
There's no way they're going to introduce Faegon this late in the game, is there? Which leads me to believe that character in the book is nothing more than a pointless distraction created to provide filler.


I think they have to wait for winter because they sort of are winter. They aren't just your average years-long winter, though. They either bring the long night winter or it brings them.

Shouldn't PETA be concentrating on removing the tracking collars of more hunting dogs so they can be killed and maimed by wild animals and vehicles?

There's no reason. Aside from the fact that they couldn't cross the wall, that is.

I didn't have an argument. I was correcting Miller's statement. Robert didn't get the throne simply through conquest. He was also in the line of succession. Cersei, on the other hand, got the throne only through conquest. She's not in the line of succession.

Yeah, you're probably right. It's been years since I've read the books and I forgot a lot of Sam's backstory.

I don't understand why you're arguing this. Yes, Robert Baratheon was in the line of succession. It was through his grandmother, who was a Targaryan. You can look it up if you like.

I'm pretty sure conquest through Robert's Rebellion is what led to Robert's ascendancy

I don't remember this in the books, but show Cat admitted to praying for Jon's death as a child. And shortly after he catches a disease and nearly dies.

I'd always assumed spring and fall were transitional period of a couple of months at most, not 5+ years.

Robert had the throne because he stole it from the previous Targaryen king

Also, why does the presence of a wight or walker or whatever it is put out a fire? It's not like they're so cold a fire could go out. That's not how fire works. Do they have misty auras or something?

The one thing that's bothering me is winter. Are the writers and showrunner forgetting that summer supposedly ended years ago? Yet winter is just now here?

Yet very few people think Catelyn was a villain for super similar reasons.

Yes, it was. Tyrion fought with the hill tribes in the book. I had assumed that Dinklage couldn't do the stunts and they couldn't find a stunt double the right size. In the books, Tyrion is an amateur acrobat, which I always found to be stupid. People with dwarfism frequently have health issues that prevent them from

I sure as shit don't recall very many people talking about Grey Worm and Missandei here over the years. I seriously doubt anyone really cares about them.

That's how I'm interpreting it.

She meant: That's not who you are. You're not domesticated.

I eventually figured that out, but when she said those specific words I thought she was being literal. It took me a few seconds to realize she was being metaphorical.