

I liked the sea battle. And hooray! Two sand snakes down, one to go! I'm looking forward to them being presented to Cersei.

That seems awfully short sighted by GRRM. Why would Bran the Builder build a wall that can be easily walked around? Unless the magic works like a laser and Bran Stark's screw-up of letting the night king touch him shuts that laser off.

Okay, that's a good point.

Period sex is usually no fun. You can't really move around much.

Maybe the character has super low self esteem?

Shame pie?

I went back and rewatched the scene. Most of the books in that aisle were chained.

Rickon is wild and unkempt in the books, like a shaggy dog.

The chains are weird.

Me too, and me too. High five!

I was wondering this last week!

This is when the good old fashioned serenity prayer comes in handy. Even if you're not religious, it's just good advice.

I had to mostly cut ties with a friend I'd had since high school when her mental illnesses began to make her presence in my life toxic. She lived in squalor and her depression became an unending black hole that sucked in too many of my resources. It gets to a point where you realize there's just nothing you can do.

What's so bad about being asocial anyway? Why is that treated as such a bizarre thing?

Dealing with someone else who's depressed is no picnic. When it's someone you love I can see a person putting on blinders for fear (likely unfounded) that they're maybe partially responsible.

nepotism, eh? but that never happens in the world of entertainment!

I watched a couple of episodes while it was ending, so I really don't have much of a perspective on that. I think most people hate her because of:

In fairness, it's for mostly good reasons.

untapped market