
I for one feel that that it's important to point out that we all knew Jaime was going to live because he has a prophecy to fulfill. I'm kind of bummed Bronn made it. That would have been an excellent end to that character.

That's a good point I hadn't considered.

Can you share proof that those spoilers are fake? I just read them a few days ago.

Wait, wasn't Kevan stabbed? Or was that only in the book?

Re: Melisandre and Varys talking on the cliff-

That's a good point.

You may be right, but I don't think Jaime is all that capable of lying to Cersei. And if he does tell her the truth, he could always point out that Oleanna didn't confess until after she drank the poison. She very likely orchestrated that at the last minute.

Myrcella died because the writers needed to reconfigure the Dorne plot. But even when you look at it from that angle, I find the idea that a teenager who is a relative of your enemy being a good candidate for revenge-killing just bad writing.

It's fairly likely that Tyrion's innocence in Joffrey's murder won't make a lick of difference for Cersei, while making a huge difference for Jaime, maybe finally causing that long-awaited rift between those two (and catch their relationship up to its status in the books.

I think you mean cervix.

I for one prefer competent Cersei over profoundly stupid Cersei. How dumb she turns out to be in the books doesn't really make sense, and it's contradictory to the character described in previous books.

I hope we get more dying sand snake next episode.

Same here. It's weird that so many people assume not liking subtitles means a person is stupid. Especially since most places in the world use dubbing because- just as you said- subtitles are distracting.

Yeah, I was about to write that "evil" is the wrong translation in this context.

Statistically, I'm a millennial, but there are a lot of people around my age who feel they don't really fit in either generation, culturally.

Doesn't that put you squarely in the millennial cohort? (I'm 36.) It would be interesting to study how millennials differ from age to age. Both my parents and my husband's parents are baby boomers, but my in-laws are about 15 years older than my parents. They all have that boomer-mentality, but there's a pretty big

I was referring to millennials. I'm in a weird in between myself. Too young to be a gen-xer, too old to be a part of millennial culture.

Shunting responsibility for one's actions is a common theme of our generation.

You're probably right.

I think Ned is an insufferable moron, but maybe he was right to not trust his wife. She has a tremendous amount of animosity for Jon, and she may have been more resentful if she knew he wasn't Ned's son and she had to keep pretending Ned broke his honor. HIS HONOR!!!