
I'm tied between Jorah Momant and Jaime Lannister.

Is he? I find him slightly plain and he always looks like he's about to burst into tears. If I met Kit Harrington in real life it would be a struggle to not punch him in the face because of that face.

I actually hope you're right. I think killing off Jon at the end of the story would be a great finish for the character.

I wrote this in another post, but I'm predicting that since magic is returning to the world, everything the witch said needed to happen for Dany to have children will actually happen. Whether it be literally or metaphorically.

It was out of character, but that was the point of the scene. To show how Sansa is yada yada yada. But the whole scene felt forced and hamfisted.

But it's a man speaking it. It's men's words that really count, not women's experiences.

You're right. And that bothered me at the end of last season. I think one could argue that anyone who would oppose her is dead, but this seems like an awful lot of shoulder-shrugging from the people around her. Maybe we'll see more people point out her atrocities as the season progresses.

Her level of competency has been consistent throughout the series

Yes, I read the books. Cersei's decisions in those books with her POV chapters are profoundly stupid. Too stupid for a character we'd previously known to be relatively competent.


Maybe it is. Like I wrote, I don't think it would occur to Jon to treat a woman as an equal. But I don't think Jon is reacting to being undermined by a woman. I think he's reacting to being undermined period.

She only confessed to sleeping with Lancel. She outright denied the incest.

That's true.

I hope he speaks like a normal person in those other shows. Jesus, his whispering is annoying.

It's interpreted in a few ways. Rhaegar (the prince who was killed by Robert) spoke about it in reference to the prince who was promised, who he first thought was himself and then thought was the son who was killed by the mountain.

The fact that Cersei never thought of that always bothered me. I know in book whatever when she gets a POV we discover that Cersei is very dumb and incompetent, but I always thought that was inconsistent. She wasn't stupid in previous books.

I think the books are supposed to make us think there will be a big battle between Jon and Dany (fire vs ice!), but the twist will be that it will be Jon marrying Dany and their ruling together (ice AND fire).

Oh shit, you're right!

As Chief Rocka already said, dragon glass has been referred to as obsidian a few times in past episodes. What makes that scene so dumb is that Sam's already been told that there's obsidian at Dragonstone. Stannis explained it to him after Sam killed a white walker or wight or whatever. I don't know why he's so

I agree with your first point but not your second. I don't see why Jon would treat women as equals simply because he had a super short relationship with a woman who was raised in a different culture. I also don't think this conflict between Jon and Sansa has anything to do with their sexes. I think Jon would react the