
Possibly the best line in the history of the series, maybe even the world: "Nothing fucks you harder than time".

All 3 dragons were capable of destroying the slavers ships when they tried to overthrow Daenerys in the previous season. Yet now they appear to operate independently. Makes no sense. The only logical conclusion is that Daenerys chose to only bring one of the dragons to the roasting…

Agree - this reviewer is a bloody idiot.

Thank you. I am glad somebody else felt the same way I did. I also really like this show but I couldn't finish this episode. I went and read the recap online instead. I hope the next episode gets back on track.

Like a dumpster?

Yeah this movie will be a disaster. Which should come as no surprise, considering how much of King's TV / movie adaptations are a disaster. I can think of Stand By Me, Shawshank Redemption, 11-22-63, and Misery as being decent, and I think that's about it? In order for The Dark Tower to work it needs to be maybe a 3

Especially enjoyed the line "don't matter a spent piss". I'm going to find a way to use this during conversations….

Yep this show is terrible. I was hanging on by a thread but this episode was the last straw for me. Goodbye zombie faithful! I'm going to find something to replace this with.

Well there is ONE President less qualified than Claire Underwood…..

I didn't mean that viewers of the show wouldn't know who Maoris were. What I meant was that on 3 or 4 occasions throughout the series, there has been dialogue (prompted by incidental characters, rather than main ones) around Travis being Maori. I would be surprised if so many random people would broach the subject of

I really do NOT want Travis back on the show. He is a terrible character and I get so sick of them playing this "Maori" angle. Seriously, they carry on like every single person (still) living in America / Mexico actually knows what a Maori is. (As somebody who grew up in NZ I'm all too familiar with them, but really,

"All Hail Senor Clean, Ruler of the Dam"

Yeah thanks. From reading the premise of the next episode I think you are going to be correct.

What was the book / sacred tome that Claire was reading at the Oval Office desk? The one the security guy went to great efforts to unpack and place on the desk?

Ooh you're such a little ray of sunshine!

Yep - the whole thing appears to have gone way way way over Evelyn's angry, ranting head….

Haha what an epic rant. I loved the entire series and the ending was perfect. They absolutely nailed it 100 percent. I guess that makes me a "liar" and an "f-loon". Probably also makes me a "dirty bird" and a nasty old "Mr Man".

Agree - I took the same view: Nora may or may not have actually gone there, and it doesn't matter. Fantastic ending to a fantastic TV series. Loved every minute of it.

Jeez, Handlen sure does have a hard on for Nikki. She's really not that nice a person, Zack!

Exactly. All the people bitching and whining about Lost, seven years later. They need to blow up THEIR alternate world and move on, ffs.