
When you can't address the actual point, talk about the importance of "u" vs. "you", then call names? And you call me childish??? Last try slick, you wanna try actually contributing, or should we discuss punctuation instead? ("OMG three question marks!?!? what are you 4 yrs old?" The Red Herring fallacy is a fallacy,

Sure is! I know your bubble seems like a whole planet, but sensible women aren't aliens pal.

Original Posters. Yeah, how offensive and belittling. /s
Tell me, does this phrase reveal the massive privilege that doesn't occur in the vacuum of marginalized spaces and bodies and internalized patriarchy etc etc etc (omg I'm sorry, etc means "et cetera" and omg means "oh my god"…. uh oh, how revealing is omg and

When u can't address the point, show how you don't understand abbreviations. Brilliant?

They're here, they're all over the net, in print, etc. Stop erasing experiences, shut up, listen, and educate yourself.

right on

Let's see: their top topics include Celeb news, Fashion, Style, Hair, Beauty. These are typically topics that attract more women than men.

A woman's looks (esp whose job is based on looks) being described doesn't amount to objectification, devaluing, saying women ONLY exist for this purpose, etc. This leap is what makes the OPs seem sex-negative.

What makes you say they're imaginary? A pretty convenient cop out really.

Thinking is hard.

I thought Burns would become aware of either Smithers homosexuality or his love for him. He didn't, so the episode basically made very little progress in terms of character development really.

What comic felt like Kant's KrV?

That's funny, the happy blue sky is exactly why I don't like the first Avengers. Too sanitary, too joyful, and maybe a bit too self-aware. What people seem to forget and never talk about is that Marvel movies are Disney movies now. If anyone knows how to feed the audience good feeling fluff, it's Disney.

More like: "If you saw ewoks on a poster and thought Gross I'll never see Return of Jedi, you understand fem criticism"
So much feminist criticism I've come across (and as a gamer, it's mostly game "reviews") has been so shallow. It's a lot of judging books by their covers, counting demographics and making

B/c feelings have been elevated, in some circles, to the status of facts. AKA "if I feel this is racist or sexist, then it is racist or sexist. if you disagree with me then you're silencing my voice, white feminism, intersectionality! etc.":

Incorrect. The B test is what we in the business of critical thinking call an example. Your attempt to conflate that with the entirety of my argument is pretty disingenuous. I encourage you to read more feminist articles on the matter, or hell just read the Streep article. What was her method for detecting the sexism

You make interesting points. Hopefully more women will be involved in all levels of production, but if it is as you say and some women have been inundated with troublesome ideas (and this is very likely, even undeniable), it'll be hard to separate the truly good from the stuff just so happened to made by women. And

I'm absolutely steeped in feminist literature, from the high brow and interesting and deep De Beauvoir to Bitch media to Mary Sue to Jezebel and almost everything in-between. And it does indeed contain the most juvenile and puerile analysis of art. Guess you've never heard of the Bechdel test? Or maybe you've never

I won't argue that the numbers aren't tiny in comparison, and I won't pretend that perhaps in the past there was a straight up "access denied" sign put up on the entry for women. But that's not the case today, as far as I can tell. That's why a mere "counting" isn't enough to determine bias or exclusionary behavior.

A History of Violence and The Fly were both pretty good. Haven't seen anything outside of that. It's weird you find objectivity in film criticism such a strange and funny concept. Do you think it a funny quirk that all critics think movies should have good acting, good pacing, good story, good directing? That's film