
You're half right. They argued over what made a movie good or bad, but they never argued from the position that their opinion is or should be elevated based on what or who they are. Two people may disagree on whether something is a good movie, or what makes a good movie, without claiming that a rejection of their

Nah, I'd say women (like the women who work on and produce movies, the women in the audience who determine box office sales, the women in academia that write on what makes a good movie, etc.) have had a hand in crafting those core ideas. The issue is whether you're judging a movie's worth as a movie, or judging it as

Not only, but sure the more the merrier. However, if a disabled Asian trans person doesn't end up reviewing a movie, I'm not going to lose any sleep wondering about how every movie looks from that perspective.

You heard it misrepresented here folks, lol. No, film crit should STRIVE to be as objective as possible. Yes, a person's background will come into play, but surrendering to it and letting a review just be "your feels" isn't very useful or interesting.

Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!!

Question: whether you're man or woman, black or white or anything else, doesn't what makes a movie a good movie stay the same? I mean, I'm sure there's some injection of personal opinion inasmuch as it can't be avoided, but aren't all critics gathering around a similar conception of what makes a good movie? Do we

poorly thought out t-shirts? The only poor thinking in that case comes from people who don't know or care about context.

Black Live Matters don't give a shit about Jenner, and probably not the trans in general. Indeed, none of their gripes are about pronouns and language and entertainment culture. It's about getting shot down like dogs by police. That's important, in part because it shows how vapid the crusades some people fight for.

Rant? Your post is twice as long as mind. Weird. Anyway, forget the Jenner ep then. The Garrison ep, you called transphobic and bigoted. My response to this stupidity was not an anti-SJW rant. It was an anti-stupidity statement. goodbye.

Most people don't conflate pronoun use with empathy, because most people don't have extreme emotions wrapped up in pronouns. You can call me "she" all you want, at most I'll laugh you off and maybe not hang out with you.
That's because some people aren't whiny sensitive little bitches. Worry, cause you'll probably

and the "bully oppressive cartoon makers" seems to be your windmill. But at least people actually like South Park, they add to culture and entertain people (they'll educate you too, if you're open to that).

Not calling Jenner a "hero" and making crass jokes is not even close to being the same as being from your KKK family. Any group of idiots can selectively take episodes out of context to bolster their worldview. Your fam is doing for racism, your doing it for SJWism. The point of the Garrison episode was clear: no

The problem is when the scold calls things racist sexist or whatever when they aren't, but you can't tell them that cause they'll just take your disagreement as proof of your racism sexism or whatever.

That was my childhood alright. :tears:

Absolutely. That clerk was so snarky, so arrogant. her argument was essentially "I don't need to treat you with respect, because I have other, better customers. Also, you weren't interested in the product, you were only interested in me. My financial success makes me indifferent to manners (but did my parents buy me

Thank GOD someone wrote that Louie backed out of an argument too soon. He does that all the time, and frankly it's ruining the show for me. He's always been self-depreciating, but as time goes by he's become more and more of a lifeless pushover lump, just constantly backing down and doing whatever ANYBODY, even his

Interesting and somehow scary.

Nina is the worst, gating and unfunny.

I'm not sure anything refutes the notion that Dr. Hibbert represents black people on the show more than him being a diehard Republican. Carl is a much better candidate, if anyone even could be that. At least he is Homer's friend.