
The illegitimate heir to the Maple Syrup throne.

I appreciate how committed the show is to its weird tone. I hope it remains so. I've seen other soap operas fall apart due to writers who weren't on the same page (Ryan Murphy shows) or networks who force the show to churn out too many episodes at once (Downton Abbey).

She might as well go do Ohio Summer Stock with Kathy from The Last Five Years. They can take turns playing Anita at the matinees.

She's been in LA for 6 years and has 3 friends… But they didn't bring dates or other friends to the play which tells me they are room mates but not actual friends.

I do but I spent more time playing virtual console and retro ports (Earthbound, Shovel Knight, Duck Tales Remastered) than any exclusive releases.

It's the Sexy Link run. Or S'link.

Bottomless pits will do that. I don't recall later Zelda's having many insta-kills.

Most replayed: Link's Awakening. I love that world and the aesthetic. The Oracle sequels never grabbed me the same way.
Most reboots: Majora's Mask. I keep trying to play this game. I ground my way to the water temple once with a guide. I've yet to reach the sweet spot where the game feels fun.
Keep telling myself to

I opted to pre-order the Wii U BOTW knowing I won't play it for a bit. I figure Nintendo will phase out the Wii U version pretty fast.

I'll be dusting off my Wii U to play this. Not sure how many system updates it will need to install once I power it up.

First questions:
What open worlds will people be comparing this to once they've played it? Wind Waker, Final Fantasy XV, Witcher 3? Or will it have a vibe of its own?
How smooth is the difficulty curve? Link Between Worlds got easy fast once you got some key equipment under your belt.

I did a search and you are right. Last Order covers the Nibelheim incident though I couldn't say how faithful it is to the game.

Agreed. Rapture's design emphasized the individualist themes. Bioshock 2 never convinced that it had anything to say about collectivist ideals.

Partly because Crisis Core retcons it.

More Fallout 4 this week. Minutemen quests keep pouring in. We've taken back the Castle from a monster and defeated another one in the basement. I've left Strong there to pout. He loves fighting but complains every time I engage in conversation.

"I'm sorry for getting a little rough with you… Lady."
~ Nintendo. 2010.

—-> Smug superiority from the hold outs who remind folks it "hasn't aged well" or "wasn't that good in the first place." —-> Epic internet brawl. —-> Someone replies "Well excuuuse me Princess!"

True. The Marsinah/Caliph romance is supposed to be the "serious couple" to balance out Keel and Gray but their arch, clunky dialogue and stilted line readings scream camp.

Ah but Kismet has a sharp, scenery-munching, diva performance from Dolores Gray. She brings an energy to that film that many of the forgotten Hollywood musicals lacked.

Oh there she goes. That girl can't sing. No question.
She's got no business playing Beeelle.
Oh the chorus looks so sad and the auto-tune's real bad.
Yes the film's a bomb. They just can't hide the smeeell.