
I just re-read James Baldwin's Giovanni's Room. It's fantastic but it also set the template for a lot of gay male fiction. Closeted man can't commit to out man and dumps him for a woman. All ends in tragedy. Brokeback Mountain is the most successful modern take on this (though it's 12 years old by now!) but the tropes

Just give him an interesting antagonist. Robotnik has no real personality. Heck Sonic has no real personality by this point.

I'd settle for an interesting antagonist. Robotnik still feels like "not-Dr.-Wily" and Wily has never been very developed himself.

If I ever do a full replay (or a comic+2+3 replay) I'll keep Ashley alive. I've seen some clips of her Citadel arc and she seems to have mellowed out by then.

I haven't played it yet but the comments on bad mom Mary make her sound like the Karen Walker of the daddy gay-borhood.

Agreed. Cortez needs a lot more time to grieve before his next relationship.

I've loved discussing Persona 5 with this group. This year has set a record for giant RPG's and this group helped me stick with the rougher patches in them.

My crush on Kaiden had fully bloomed by the time we reached our spy date in the Citadel DLC. I kept my male Shepard single for two games for him. I did wish the 3rd game had acknowledged his coming out as bi later in life and maybe something about the heartbreak he droned on spoke about in ME1. It could have made for

I didn't care for Dragon Age II's gameplay but I wanted to support the opportunity for m/m romance. I ended up playing through twice to romance Anders and Fenris. I liked how they turned tropes on their heads starting out the "nice" and "cruel" guys and then gradually switching places.

I deleted my Facebook and Twitter accounts after the 2016 election. They were just feeding my outrage and depression. I don't have many gamers in my circle of friends so it's been wonderful to share thoughts with so many intelligent people in such a respectful forum.

Single mechanics that tie entire games together?

Sonic Mania looks tempting but I've got a large game backlog. I may dust off the Sonic Collection for my PS2. I burnt out on that after beating the first two games as the rest seemed to blur together.

Does anyone know how much is left?

Asav: This tusk belongs in a museum!
Chloe: (Shoots him in the head.) My father didn't LOVE MEEE!

Agreed. The score is fantastic.

Genesis: This is all vaguely similar to the plot of my favorite musical!
Zack: Say what now?

Sadly yes. I find the PSP awkward and flimsy. I broke my first one pretty quickly.

Right? The script basically boils down to:

Dabbled in a few games this week.

Life just ain't like whatever's happening in The Mist either.