
I'd have liked it if there was some background text on the plaques in the tombs. Maybe the last tomb belongs to Ardyn or the King who usurped him.

"You've been through Herbert and J. Edgar Hooover.
Gee that was fun and a half.
When you've been through Herbert and J. Edgar Hooover…
Anything else is a laugh."

A combination of Kingsglaive, The FF Compendium book and the early interviews with the developers suggest that the Emporer wanted to steal the ring and the crystal so that he could kill the Gods (Astrals/Summons/whatever) and "rule the heavens."

I completed Final Fantasy XV and felt all the feelings. The protagonists and open world are fun. The story was… ambitious. Nomura lifted the clumsier moments directly from Kingdom Hearts 2. They didn’t work there either.

I wanted more Tim Curry so the Human Noble had the better pay off for me.

Which character in DAO? I've played the Dwarf Commoner and Human Noble.

I'd love to see it have a regional life but the lack of a Broadway cast album will hinder that. Matt Smith's performance on the London album does the score little justice.

She played Mrs. Lovett in a Sweeney Todd concert but had to Henry Higgins her way through much of it.

Stanley Tucci as "Cadenza?" Is that the evil gay piano that Tim Curry played in the sequel?

Shall we reboot the discussion on this thread? I've completed Final Fantasy XV and will be exploring the post game content next month. I tried the Chocobo Moogle Carnival this week. The decor is pretty but the prizes aren't much use in the post-game. Watched a few guides for grinding AP and the process looks tedious.

Perfect! Josh gets into superhero shows. She starts binge-watching them to impress him. After a sleepless night she goes into the office and hallucinates a visit from Grant Gustin and Melissa Benoist. It culminates in a glorious musical number!

The trailer suggests that Kevin Keller's gone from "Self conscious over achiever" to "sassy gay friend." Or from "the Will" to "the Jack."

I have some fond memories of the SEGA Genesis X-Men platformers but I've no idea how they've held up.

What are some other genres folks here would like for superhero games? The Arkham series has tried Metroidvania and Sandbox City. X-Men have had side-scrolling brawlers and one-on-one fighters. Telltale and VR Batman have gotten mixed reviews and they've never figured out Superman.

I'm torn. My dream scenario would be one where the majority of the world quits Twitter leaving the trolls with no audience but each other. However it's always been easier to organize an attack than a boycott as boycotts need more participants to have an effect.

I love musicals but I prefer Broadway over old Hollywood style. If I want a story about a self absorbed pretty couple who break up I can watch New York, New York or The Last Five Years and get some brassy singing along with it

Cisco helps Barry vibe back into his flash-forward, meaning we see Iris murdered for a fourth time,
"Oh my God! You killed Iris!"
"You bastard!"

he thinks modern culture is based around “a kind of new Victorianism”

I'd never read an Archie comic till Kevin Keller was introduced. I wanted to support the Keller series and found the quality wildly inconsistent. The stories switched genre and tone every few issues as though the writers and producers couldn't agree who they wanted the "gay one" to be.

How much does the gameplay have in common with the demo for P. T.?