
I believe Amnesia: The Dark Descent was the first horror game I completed. I had to play in small doses due to stress. The simple control scheme made it easy to come back to. Resident Evil controls have a learning curve that I've never taken the time to master.

"Roxie" is one of my favorite numbers in "Chicago." Zellweger's rendition lacked the undercurrent of desperation some have brought to it but McKinnon nailed the self-absorbed comedy.

If I worked in that office I'd spend my lunch breaks with George and Maya. I'd try to talk to Karen but I'd end up inadvertently offending her.

Eric Michael Roy is adorable and I liked his song more than others.
I agree with the comments that S2 has lost a lot of humor and plot. Songs like the Santa Anna Winds bring back some of the "crazy" that this show has been missing for me.
I was hoping Nathaniel's creepy song would cure Rebecca of any attraction to him.

I'm a big fan of Dragon Age Inquisition but it's basically three games stapled together. There's a fast 6-7 mission tactical RPG, a collect-a-thon MMO between missions and a quirky pansexual social sim at your home base.

"So Long Dearie" by Jerry Herman.
Or if we're going extra bitter "Could I Leave You" by Stephen Sondheim.

The PS2 release of Dragon Quest VIII got me through a difficult time and will always hold a place in my heart. I would have grabbed the 3DS version day one if I hadn't completed the iphone port 2 years ago.

Though I'd read a comic about Bruce Wayne eating food if it included a platonic romance with the Condiment King.

So does it all boil down to this?

I didn't watch much TV or film as a toddler. My family bought me storybooks with cassette tapes which I played endlessly. At age 4 I was obsessed with dinosaurs. A relative said they got sick of hearing countless tapes that started with "Millions and millions of years ago…"

Giga Church must defeat the 8 Mega Church Masters before battling Dr. Unitarian!

Sister Act III: Back on the Cross?
The review makes this film sound like a camp classic… though it's probably better as a 3 minute skit.

I enjoyed The Visit but the villains were written with the nuance of Resident Evil's zombies. It sounds like McAvoy gets much more to chew on.

Yuri on Ice got me back into anime this winter. A "you might also like this" list led me to Antique Bakery and Kono Danshi, Mahou ga Oshigoto Desu. The common theme seems to be "gay men who are more focused on their careers than romance." I dig it.

Interesting. I'd assumed the text about Syfa/Sypha was the result of poor translation. If it was an intentional reveal then it's more akin to Samus in the original Metroid.

Early 90's nostalgia recalls the Super Nintendo as a console that could play games by multiple companies and of multiple genres. You could play Mario & Zelda on the same system you played Final Fantasy, Street Fighter, Castlevania & Megaman on.

I think this is coming more from his cabinet. Mike Pence, Ken Blackwell and pretty much everyone at Steve Bannon's Breitbart have expressed their dislike of the LGBT+ community.

Daisy to Peach: "B*tch! That's my corner!"

The overarching storylines are more interesting than the weekly procedural. The highlights tend to be at the starting, middle and ending episodes of the season.