
My vote goes to "The Math of Love Triangles."

Rachel Bloom has compared Rebecca Bunch to Walter White, but this season hasn't brought her into villain mode like S1 did. Tovah Feldshuh brings back some of the darkness that S2's been missing as her behavior straddles comic and abusive.

I'd never betray CID! (Well okay. I did betray CID a little.)

Saint's Row IV has spoiled me for other urban open world games. I loved the tone, the gameplay and the customization options. I cycled my Boss through every gender, race, sexuality, body type and voice actor I could during my playthrough.

I took inventory of my games and sold a stack of them. I've placed another stack in a "try to replay once before selling" pile. These include some good-but-not-great RPG's like The Last Story, Ni No Kuni and the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy.

Pinot Noir. Mako Car.

Final Fantasy XV is basically two games stapled together. Many critics tend to like one and hate the other. That's why I'm spending hours frolicking through Chapter Three and ignoring the rest.

I like the Zelda towns that give specificity to their NPC's. Rather than the cut and paste townsfolk of the Dragon Quest games or the eerie silent mobs of Final Fantasy 12, 13 and 15 we get unique folks with their own looks and personalities. The flip side of that is the towns tend to feel strangely empty.

So the third hottest guy from Supernatural befriends a rubber tentacle creature… and Rob Lowe is there too? Get to work fans. That Deviant Art isn't going to draw itself.

My closeted adolescent self saw a world of possibilities at the Honeybee Inn.

I'd enjoy a Priscilla Queen of the Desert skin for FFXV. The more I think about it, the more it would work with the car/ open world game mechanics.

"Time.. It will not wait… No matter… how hard you hold on. It escapes you… And…" (explodes)

I still enjoy the first disc of FF8. The narrative comes unhinged in Disc 2 and I can't make much progress without overpowering myself via Cards and Junctions.

I remember lotsa press about Dr. Aki's hair. I've never understood the fascination with "hair physics" that have haunted AAA gaming to this day.

Edea's Diva Parade remains one of my favorite moments in the franchise.

Her voice is weak
and unrefined
And so I fear the critics will be most unkind.
But now she's here
And so unsure
What did Bill Condon ever see in her before?

I was just complaining about how Crazy's S2 was burning through plots to prep for cancellation. Then I heard "but it got renewed" and rushed here to confirm. Amazing news!

I could see Nathaniel performing a reprise of "I'm So Good At Yoga."

Darryl's to blame for all the conflict in this episode. Paula hates him but even she wasn't going to call him out on it.

I'd prefer it if the roles were reversed. She still planned to quit and he went crazy trying to keep her around. Still it's another cliche.