
The writing was on the wall in early season two. She's running out of story and the latest song lampshades the manufactured conflict she's been forced to rely on with the new guy. I'd hoped they were going to dive deeper into the ugly side of depression. A cancellation would have given them permission to go there but

He seemed an homage to Patrick Bateman. I was hoping Rebecca would include that in her list of nickname insults. There's still time.

The show initially contrasted crazy fantasy with mundane real world and the destruction this caused. Now Rebecca's crazy is rubbing off on everyone and we lack some of the balance.

There are mental health issues on both sides of her family. Lotta suicides. Lotta suicides.

Who's the sucker now!

My alternate interpretation was that your mother had two personalities. There were vague hints but a scene of her tapping code to herself and the comment "how do you arrest someone who doesn't exist" solidified it for me.

I enjoyed Mega Man 6. The bosses felt simpler than past games but the level designs were ambitious.

The free DLC gives you the Nyxperience band. You can sleep without leveling. I've been saving my XP to power level at Galdin Quay and tackle tougher hunts. I'm currently level 25 in Ch 3 as well.

I was going to skip FFXV… then got it as a gift. I've spoiled some of the plot for myself so I can stay in the open world as long as possible. 17 hours in I'm still learning the combat systems but I love the cooking, fishing and sense of just hanging out.

My first playthrough I was a cynical lady elf. Solas agreed with my dialogue choices and was quite the gentleman. It was only in later runs I saw what a jerk he could be.

After the grimdark Dragon Age 2, with its tragic city and bickering cast, Inquisition felt like a reward. The fun cast got along and the world that improved the longer I played.

Shepard: Let's fight the Borg.
Crew: Sure but first can you resolve our daddy issues?

When ME3 first arrived in my Gamefly queue I'd tried, but not completed, ME2. The combat felt smoother but the story was bleak. In the default setting half your allies are already dead and the NPC's that cover for them die after they've served their purposes.

I was avoiding Dragon Age Inquistion promotions before it released… but I feel like there was a lot to avoid.

The real question is can you bang your spaceship?

Much obliged! I've fixed the title. Also known as the film where Janeane Garofalo has phone sex while Uma Thurman fingers a turtle.

The trade off for zero responsibility is zero respect. "I don't care if you are the Arch Mage" indeed.

Critics have said the romcom died in the 1990's. I think film romance simply moved into more profitable genre films and television shows. Edward Cullen's behavior resembles the creepy stalker tactics of films like While You Were Sleeping, The Truth About Cats and Dogs and Amelie.

I'm not the target audience for these films but I'll admit if there was a fantasy series about a male vampire hooking up with a hot male werewolf I would reserve my tickets in advance for the premiere.

Get rid of the adoption element. If you don't want them to be a couple there's no practical way in 2017 to have them living together. Do one of the origin stories where Robin's a solo vigilante who idolizes Batman. Batman disapproves, then they're forced to work together and then they finally kiss.