
I literally can't damage them. Folks on the gamefaqs forums seem to experience one extreme or another. It may have to do with the initial stats in their character builds.

When the General in Lipton warned me I couldn't hurt him I saved first. I assumed he'd prove to be too high above my level. It was a tough fight but I had the resources to take him down. In hindsight I wish they'd made him as strong as the Legion Assassin. If I saw then and there I couldn't damage him I'd have

Made some progress in Fallout New Vegas. I almost wrecked my the game by killing the Legion Captain in Lipton. It caused Legion Assassins to spawn next to me on every road. My level 5 courier can't do any damage the head assassins' health bar with armor piercing ammo and grenades on easy difficulty. Instead I had to

Still it boils down to "the empire was being controlled by a super natural being." We got that in previous Final Fantasies and I won't be surprised if we get that in 15.

I've been catching up on the side media for FFXV. It's reminding me more and more of Final Fantasy XII. 12 was split between an open world and a messy backstory by dueling writers and a messy development cycle.

It's tricky because their formula thus far requires A) a youthful ensemble, B) roles for guest stars, C) an existing fan base and D) PG to PG-13 friendly material.

Seeing Sean Hayes and Garrett Clayton together brought some sad subtext. Both actors are known for playing gay roles but have avoided discussions of sexuality for the sake of their careers. Hayes didn't come out publicly till Will and Grace completed its run.

Depends on how much sexual subtext they add to the line.

Birdie has a few subversive moments (not many but they're there) which were censored out of the two film versions. I hope NBC keeps them.

Both films downplayed her ugly side. NBC wasn't afraid to let Chenoweth play a terrible person. I'll be interested to see how far they go with the racism in Birdie.

It doesn't help that Maybelle's family is horribly underwritten. Their struggle is very much a subplot despite the shows desire to claim political relevance.

And Harvey seemed so happy to be outside! I'd liked to have seen some terror in Edna's eyes before Tracy and Mr. Pinky calmed her down.

I did notice them lip syncing when they were travelling between sets.

One thing I'll say for Clayton: he did well with the scene where he refuses to participate in the protest. His confession that the recording contract is his only plan for a future and the shameful admission that he only came back when he lost it are moments that Efron didn't get.

The live show switched "Something Good" for "Ordinary Couple" but Benanti and Borle made meals of "How Can Love Survive?" and "No Way to Stop It."

It was a serviceable production of the stage show. Enjoyable but bland. Jennifer Hudson had the strongest vocals but could never convince as the overweight mother of two children. It added some unintended camp to her sincere speech. Garrett Clayton's performance was funnier if you picture Tracy lusting over his gay

I'll be there for Harvey Fierstein and Kristin Chenoweth. I like the 2007 film but it mangled Tracy's arc and didn't understand Maybelle's character. I'm not convinced Jennifer Hudson is right for Maybelle either but I'm hoping they keep their confrontation in Act Two where Maybelle asks if Tracy's using the Civil

Unfortunately I've yet to find anyone in any generation who agrees on how to appropriately deal with violent free speech. Conversations in public forums tend to get stuck in a loop.

His character has a strange track in Reefer Madness. He's a principal but he gets no songs. The original actor doubled as Jesus so he got to sing two versions of "Listen to Jesus Jimmy."

I'm a fan of the score for A New Brain. The story's been called shapeless but when working on a production I saw a three act structure. Gordon's journey has parallels to Scrooge in A Christmas Carol.