
When I saw Jeffrey on stage the title character seemed whiny and self loathing. I'd like to see a better production some day. Weber played him with a spine and a sense of humor. That is a must for any Rudnick play.

I'd prefer it if Nico just ate the kid. Particularly after hitting multiple button prompts to try to talk it into doing something.

3 days later what's your overall feel of the game? I've been waiting for some holiday gift certificates before I buy and have wondered if the second half of this game will make me hate it. (The final portions of Wind Waker and Spirit Tracks gave me the same bitter aftertaste for the Zelda series.)

Ha! That is exactly where I got stuck! Glad to hear it's a trend. I doubled back to the NCR base in the South West. (and led some pursuing Legion Assassins into a den of Powder Gangers on the way).

I kept hitting walls this weekend. The towns are connected by these narrow canyon hallways full of foes who can one hit kill me. I've stopped trying to explore but even sticking to the critical path results in a LOT of deaths and 40 second loading screens.

Lara: "So my therapist says this comedy club would be good for my anxiety disorder. But what's it going to do about my shattered femur?… (the audience is silent). So…Dead parents. Amirite?"

I saw a critic comment that the quartet was a well written example of male friendship in a video game.

Noctis: "Hey girl. I know you're nervous about our wedding. I am too. My bros and I will be there soon as we kill these 20 giraffes and 15 flans."
Boys: "Those flans make me think of yooooou!"
Noctis: "I don't want you to see me till I'm a perfect level 30 girl. I gotta sleep by a few campfires to get there. You deserve

I was thinking the three NES games, then I remembered a vaguely magical girl as a guest member in FF3.

I wish they'd done more with Yuna's "singing career" in Final Fantasy X-2. They never do get around to how she became a pop star with a giant fan base two years after her pilgrimage.

I played it on a small television with the fancy Tri-force wii-mote. The sword fights never responded properly so the boss battles sent me into a rage. I'll have to try it again now that I have a larger television and more floor space.

Lara used to be snarky. Now she's humorless. As Yahtzee said she's got daddy issues, a death wish, and a tendency to pant and scream.

Origins has some nice moments but re-uses so many City assets that you don't want to play them close together. It also crashed my PS3 more times than a game released in 2013 should.

I was not a Batmobille fan, but I found some of the harder car missions (one Riddler race and an obnoxious boss fight) were easier when I put the camera into first person mode.

A map question. Would it be worthwhile or possible on a first playthrough to set the car on a 30+ minute drive around the world to unlock the fast travel points before diving into the missions?

Oh dear. I'll look "forward" to that. Luckily it's only a rental.

Intriguing. I shall watch for their influence as I progress.

My Blood and Wine thought process.
Me: Who's the beast? Oh it's a vampire. Okay who's controlling the vampire? Let's see. We've met several knights and I'm getting quests from sketchy nobles and townspeople.
Duchess: It's my evil sister whom you haven't met.
Me: Sure it is. I'll go to rescue her and she'll be dead.

I kept Geralt celibate which may be why Shani and Syanna seemed like underdeveloped characters.

You've given me new respect for Hearts of Stone. At the time I just hated every character involved and wanted to get it over with. I adored the world of Blood and Wine but wish the story had incorporated some Agatha Christie investigation rather than just handing you the answers to the murder mystery.