
I loved this game. Sadly I can't seem to make any progress in the sequel.

Have you tried/are you a fan of wait mode? From the videos I've seen it seems to give you time to solve some camera problems.

One month into my Skyrim playthrough and the identical dungeons are starting to grate. I'm taking a break to try another Bethesda game, Fallout:New Vegas, for the first time. I've read it's the "best Fallout." It's fun but the introductory missions feel like business as usual.

So does the Superman musical. That doesn't necessarily make it good, but it helps you appreciate the better moments.

I mentioned earlier in the thread that I want to see Noctis and his bros perform "Real Emotion" from FFX-2. Now I find someone's already altered the song's pitch to sound like male J-pop singers. Someone code savvier than I needs to mod the men into Yuna's music video stat!

Noctis sneaks into the enemy base. Pulls out a wireless microphone. Begins singing "A Thousand Words." Enemy soldiers melt in a puddle of their own tears.

I spent a Thanksgiving weekend killing re-spawning skeletons for ability points to buy a bunch of abilities I later realized I didn't need. I was not proud of myself the following Monday.

Oh don't forget walking through poison and searching every tile to find DW's magical plot items. Thank goodness for strategy guides.

So many have said "boy band" but J-Pop is more appropriate.
Now I want someone to mod a video of the guys singing "Real Emotion" from FFX-2.

My team mates frequently disobeyed my tactical commands.
Sera: "You want me to shoot arrows at this enemy from a high ledge, while Vivienne fires spells at the enemy from the other end of the battlefield? I'm sorry I'm just not comfortable being that far from the group. How about we all just run straight towards the

I suppose a 2 hour movie and an 80 minute anime are better than datalogs but I'd prefer to get my character backstories through side quests.

If you don't have time, here's the short version of the Brotherhood anime.
Gladious trains Noctis to fight.
Ignis mothers Noctis with food and rules.
Prompto loses a lot of weight so he can befriend Noctis.
They think Noctis is spoiled. Then they learn he's just sad.
Noctis kills a monster that killed his mother.

I'll allow it as long as the DLC lets me dress the gents in outfits as skimpy as Cindy's. Swimsuit edition anyone?

The mix of "Americana" landscapes and teen-boy-anime cliches looks like it could grate in long play sessions. Some critics have praised the four heroes while others have found them insufferable. I enjoy the team mates in Bioware games. After watching the pre-game anime I'm not sure I'll have much patience for Noctis's

Critics who've finished the game have complained about an awkward stealth section and the linear missions in the final third.. I'll be curious to see if Patrick's mood changes as he progresses. The game sounds a lot like FF12 for better and worse.

Be careful what you wish for. I wanted a remake of Final Fantasy 6. They made one for ios with ugly new graphics. I stuck with the original.

The fact that Ryan Murphy's cast him in Scream Queens and hasn't gotten his clothes off (yet) baffles me.

Zac Efron tried some mopey dramas too. Then he found his niche in bro-ey comedies where he could take his shirt off. Taylor Lautner should consider a similar route.

Fair enough. My point was that Kevin Keller was so squeaky clean bland that I hoped the series was building to a reveal of some inner darkness.

For the companies what matters is how this affects their profits.
For consumers it means they'll need to wait a while after release to make their decision about buying. Hearing the review is in multiple parts tells me to wait even longer on a purchase. I'm not even renting a game till the review series is fully written.