Archie like falls under the manga genre of "Romance Comics." Japan has plenty of those, though I couldn't tell you which are the most popular.
Archie like falls under the manga genre of "Romance Comics." Japan has plenty of those, though I couldn't tell you which are the most popular.
The "mean guy" Kevin dated provided some balance. He'd been kicked out by his parents, had self-esteem issues and played a cruel prank on a rival for Kevin's affections. Sadly he vanished without a trace as if the writers (or the corporate suits) got scared of him.
I don't blame Conan as much as whoever's coaching Aaron Bleyaert. The shtick is that he over complicates everything. He could have said "The king's been killed. The prince is on the run. Here's how to fight monsters." Then Conan and Elijah could have actually played the game and riffed on it.
I recently read through the Kevin Keller series. His arc is strange. First he's the "overachiever." He becomes student council president, organizes the prom, stars in the school play. Then he's "Gay Archie" getting in a love triangle with a bland "nice guy" and a more interesting "mean guy." Then in the final issues …
Wrapped up my side quests in Witcher III: Blood and Wine. There's more treasure to find but I'm ready to give Geralt a well deserved rest.
I agree that making the Penguin gay is ballsy. If they make the Riddler bi and hook them up it will be awesome.
The musical? Alexander Hamilton fights in the revolutionary war, gains political power, mistreats his family and makes an enemy of Aaron Burr.
The story is told by a multi-racial cast with a mix of rap and pop style songs.
Hamilton's the hot show of the moment but lots of musicals have touched on political issues. Many flopped but a few have been media darlings.
The Chicago production just opened. The National tour begins in March 2017.
I think you're describing theater in general. Most broadcasts of Broadway shows thus far have released at the end of their runs (She Loves Men) or after they've closed (Into the Woods, Sunday in the Park with George).
And there are plenty more musicals about American political figures. I just recalled Jerry Herman's Ben Franklin in Paris.
Don't forget popular. People didn't get this mad over Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson, Leonard Bernstein's 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. or Irving Berlin's Mr. President. They were flops. I'm not sure if people got this mad at 1776 but I'm told Richard Nixon complained about the conservative's song "Cool, Considerate Men."
The album releases Dec 2 but some other songs from promotional events are currently floating around.
Stop quoting his interviews! He's not going to do any of the things he said during the campaign except for the things his supporters want him to do that will benefit them specifically.
Right? Stop having these hysterical fantasies about things that have actually happened. You're only basing those on things Trump and his team have said and the record of things they've done.
A monster wheelchair!
Monster hermit crabs!
I felt I'd neglected magic so I joined the Mages Guild. I'd have preferred more class lessons and less grindy dungeons. Then I found out I didn't have enough MP to cast multiple spells so I started shooting enemy mages with arrows. That was fine until I met the Whisp Maiden who seemed to be designed specifically for…
I tried replaying X on my PS2 last year. I quit when I reached a late game difficulty spike. The story was interesting at the start and grew less so as it progressed. I'd love to be able to skip the cutscenes.
I love the Megaman series. When they were released I didn't start getting bored till 5. On a replay 2 and 4 hold up well. 3 has great moments but gets sloggish in the middle "Dark Robot" levels.