The mini-NES looks charming but the process of tracking one down to buy seems more trouble than it's worth.
The mini-NES looks charming but the process of tracking one down to buy seems more trouble than it's worth.
I'm working through the mage's College of Winterhold quests this week. I appreciate how Professor Tolfdir remains friendly and calm with all the chaos going around him. "Oh there's a deadly ruin nearby? Let's go examine it! If we all stay close together we'll be fine."
To clarify: the narrative I'm seeing in the media is that the "working class" voted for Trump to snub the elites. When in fact the polls are showing that a significant portion of the wealthy voted for yet another wealthy politician whose policies will aid the wealthy and that they knew darn well they were voting for…
I'm reading a lot today about how the left insulted the right and hid in our liberal bubbles. About how the right is tired of being called "ignorant" and "racist" and how the left doesn't care about their employment problems.
This was a long and fascinating argument with "This comment was deleted." It's probably for the best that I didn't get here in time to read the original remarks.
Speaking of writing off groups:
"But voting for him was assuring a slap in the face to the elites that have had a stranglehold on our Country."
Whatever helps you sleep. I lived through Reagan and W. Bush. They ruined everything they touched.
Actions mean more than opinions and Trump and Pence are going to act on everything he's promised. Their closest followers will too. While the "moderates" will continue to pretend it isn't happening.
I picture a Wile E Coyote relationship where Penguin keeps setting whimsical traps for her that fail to work.
Well it worked out great for Alfred Hitchcock in the 1940's.
Well there goes my last hope of the Cobblepot-Nygma relationship being progressive.
When the show started Rebecca was the only one I found interesting in a sea of archetypes. The team has done great work fleshing out Paula and Greg and I think with the right song or the right scene another character could rise up. The show's not lacking for talented performers.
Just saw a fascinating play about the history of Atari. The scrappy Atari artists with no money clashed with the corporate Warner suits with no artistry. The suits fired the artists and discovered they couldn't make quality games without quality designers.. The artists formed a third party, Activision, and won a…
I think the only thing I missed this season was a well written sketch from the perspective of Trump and Hilary supporters. Both sides are willing to ignore the media's take on their candidates because they've got a fantasy vision of what their candidate will do for them in office. It would be fun to have a group of…
You are not alone.
I just re-listened to the song. Much of the diction was Monroe but I heard some Channing in the way she says "little ol' me!"
I was worried that a Marilyn number wouldn't feel fresh this soon after Smash. I'm glad I was wrong. This show has smarter writing than Smash so it shouldn't have surprised me.
Yes! Team Trent!
I'd like to see Rebecca glom on to the tertiary characters now that the secondary characters are trying to leave her orbit.
I'd recommend the "We Don't Need a Man" song from her YouTube channel. Spending time on herself there starts with "eating a lot of cheese" and gets weird fast.