It's preaching to the choir but the choir is led by Rachel Frickin' Bloom!
It's preaching to the choir but the choir is led by Rachel Frickin' Bloom!
Hit some walls this week. I'm stuck on the final stage of Peter Panic and what I assume is the final boss of Witcher 3: Blood and Wine.
They've pulled that nonsense ever since the first season when they were deciding who killed Lila.
The murder mirrors the plot of an Agatha Christie novel. Appointment with Death. The evil mother was killed by one of her victims in the book and film. When Christie adapted it for the stage the mother had killed herself to gaslight her children and turn them against each other.
Fair enough. I went to college with a lot of young white women who claimed they were Buddhist and behaved as though it made them sagely. They all took yoga and wanted you to know it.
Oh wise white lady from Britain, please teach me the mystical arts of Tibetan Buddhism. No, not the real thing. Rather teach me the watered down stereotypes that white American college students appropriate in their yoga classes.
An app can only crash on you so many times before you uninstall it.
I've been debating how this relationship could work within the context of the show.
Option A: Oswald backs off, lets the Isabella/Nygma romance run it's course, then saves Nygma when Isabella inevitably turns out to be an evil clone/cyborg/alien/ninja whatever. Nygma realizes that Oswald really cares. Romance and…
Shoot. It sounds like the Nygma/Cobblepot story is going just where I didn't want it to (jealous depraved homosexual tropes) while still holding out hope that it will become a romance. Gotham you're not going to string me along like other shows have. I'm not coming back to you till the recaps report an actual…
Executive: “It is designed to… push the envelope as far as sexuality,”
So are we going with the Todd is too stupid and exasperated to disentangle himself from the plot trope?
My Broadway knowledge is helping me as the actor with a recent Broadway success has been the killer several times. Most recently Gideon Glick (Spring Awakening, Significant Other) in Ep 0503 and now Rob McClure (Chaplin, Something Rotten) in Ep 0504.
Fair enough. Well it looks like my wish was granted in the second episode this season.
It's a good thing Elijah Wood and Sam Barnett are attractive and charming. I'll try another episode despite the fact that their characters are insufferable.
Precisely. We've got the basic "if everyone's weird then no one is" problem. There isn't enough "real world" in the first episode for Dirk to disrupt it. Everything's already crazy. Even Elijah Wood, who's supposed to be the 'everyman,' exhibits bizarre behavior with the landlord, the lottery ticket and the police…
Even White Josh didn't switch to soda when he was with Greg.
I appreciated Guardrail's acknowledgement of the "pink cloud" phase.
I thought they were dismissing the kids to avoid child actors, but they've kept the kid in the bar and brought in a ping pong prodigy. Paula's issues with her kids might become a plot point later on.
Though I like that Darryl showed his creepy needy side in this episode. Last week we only saw him with White Josh.
With the added spin that he slips into "judgy" and gets called out on it.