
My fave line was Father Bra's "blablabla… which I guess is what I sound like to you?"

Oh that's sad. It means they have no excuse.

The songs rarely advance the plot but my favorite ones give me some insight into the characters. I always laugh when the lyrics go meta (Broom Darryl!) but I re-listen to songs that remain in a character's point of view.

"The episode even ends on a sex montage that is like a watered-down version of every other time this show has ended with a sex montage."

"Did he think that for Connor to have forgiven him for that big a sin, he must be hiding worse things?"

Wes is the worst.

Fair enough. I had a very negative reaction to Olgierd and Dimm. It was like the Bloody Baron and the Crones again. Nothing charming or amusing about either of them. My strongest memory of Hearts of Stone is Dimm sticking a spoon in an old man's eye.

Apparently Bethesda declined to send out review copies in advance. We won't be seeing reviews for another week or so.

The main game did a fair job of showing the bullsh*t behind a fantasy facade. Blood and Wine made a nice change as I started it up directly after the grimdark Hearts of Stone.

It was so beautiful but a little heartbreaking. I kept wanting the story and gameplay to be better than they were.

Who are people's favorite game critics these days? I watched GameTrailers regularly before they shut down. Now I tend to skim the compiled blurbs on metacritic.

One episode in and I'm having issues with the premise.
Teen saw three people killed and doesn't want to tell his foster mother Sheriff because she'll know his boyfriend is gay? Why can't he just say they were dirt biking and drinking beers?
FBI agent is trying to cover up a murder and she thinks she can do it by lying

True. As much as I want a sexy gay criminal couple I'm not convinced Gotham's writers know how to write one. It would be all too easy for them to have Cobblepot grow homicidally jealous of jealous of Isabella, turn Nygma against him, and then never speak of the relationship again.

Probably the same reason we got "Once Upon a Time" instead of "Fables." Writing an original work allows the team full creative and financial control over the property… even if it is inferior to the pre-existing version.

"Gotham? I don't know her."

Oh roundthings I used to say the same thing about heterosexuals. It seems I couldn't look anywhere in my pop culture without seeing a straight couple. Eventually I realized that straight people exist, there're a lot of them in the entertainment industry and they deserve to see themselves represented as much as anyone

I was expecting a non-singer patter song. Then he snuck in a high note at the end of the clip. Nice work Dwayne!

They've openly discussed depression, anxiety and distorted memories from an abusive childhood. Those aren't uncommon but it's refreshing to see them discussed sensibly in a TV comedy. Still several of Rebecca's songs, dating back to "Feelin' Kinda Naughty," suggest Rebecca may be capable of violence towards herself

Though season 4 might end up on Netflix… or Youtube.

He could be a mop or a swiffer or something.