
I saw this film last night and agree with your points. Everyone in the film seems to be with Shield or Hydra leaving the conflict in a CGI vacuum.

Oh thank goodness the show whose one gimmick was being "Batman" without Batman is finally spending some time on Bruce Wayne! (sobs) I'm not crying. You're crying.

Don't forget they also gave her a sassy gay friend!
Barbara: "I'm the best he's ever had!!!"
Sassy gay friend: "And I thought the gaaaaay scene was complicated!"
(cue laugh track)

Just saw this film. I both love and hate that Batgirl had a sassy gay friend to talk to about her sex life with Batman.

There are ways. One is to ignore the stigma. The sci fi western Firefly had a brothel episode with a male and female quarters. The madame asked Nathan Fillion which he preferred and no more was said of it.

Techie 1: That Yul Brynner bot is getting too violent.
Techie 2: Let's flip the switch from kill bot to sex bot!
Techie 1: Brilliant! The sex bots are already our most popular attraction. Why do we have kill bots anyway?

(Execs gather around a table.)
Boss: Ideas! Ideas people! Let's make this fresh and new!
Suit 1: How about the dinosaurs don't escape! We follow different tourists through the park as they bond with their kids and struggle with their marriages!
Suit 2: How about two kids are lost in the park with a camcorder? And we see

Well we learned in J.Park III that humans can speak to raptors with ocarinas. Just add some subtitles and you're good to go!

I saw an early screening of King Cobra. James Franco, Keegan Allen and Christian Slater play rival porn producers fighting over Garrett Clayton. It plays like three different films.

The "gay son comes out to parents" scene has several variations. My favorite "coming out" story relationship is between Jamie and his prickly mother in Jonathan Harvey's play and film Beautiful Thing, She seems a mess at the top of the film but is forced to get it together when Jamie and his abused runaway neighbor

VIII was one of the friendliest. It gave you some plot and character up front and saved the grinding for the middle. Most Dragon Quests tend to save the plot moments till the end.

Witcher 3 DLC continues. I rushed through the deeply unpleasant Hearts of Stone to get to the more enjoyable Blood and Wine.

Agreed. Patty Duke does something amazing in the first film. I never had much patience for the second.

It's basically how I got two of my college scholarships.

1: May I go to your magic school?
2: Are you peculiar?
1: Well… I am a homosexual.
2: Are you a metaphor for homosexuality?
1: … No… I'm literally a homosexaul.
2: Pass.

Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr destroy their lives in the pursuit of political power.

Eh… The Mormon tour was all right. Parker and Stones songs tend to have one joke apiece.

Don't feel bad. I hate Cats and it made a fortune.

The Will f*cks Paul Ryan line was the most sexual joke this show's ever made.

Still better than her outfits on Smash.