
It had its moments. Will's "type A gay" was groundbreaking at the time, especially contrasted with Jack's standard sassy gay friend shtick.
Karen got the best jokes at first, then started resting on her character voice.

I love the themes for the final bosses in Belmont's Revenge as well as the short, creepy theme when the penultimate boss is introduced.

This advice is very much appreciated!

I used to LOVE Mega Man 3. It was the first game in the series that I owned and I replayed it several times. I downloaded it recently on 3DS and the lag times nearly ruined the experience for me. Somehow my nostalgia filter had forgotten them.

I haven't played Reign but I've played the similar Long Live the Queen on Steam. Watching the cute anime princess die grizzly deaths was amusing but the trial and error nature of the gameplay turned me away.

The homoerotic moments will be made into GIFs soon enough. No need to sit through the film for them.

Unintentional camp is the best kind of camp.

I did appreciate Nolan's first two Batman films for trying to tell an interesting story. I'd have enjoyed them more with about 30 minutes cut off… but c'est la vie.

"Happy superheroes are all alike; every unhappy superhero is unhappy in its own way." Though, as DC has found, unhappy does not equal interesting.

I haven't paid good money for the ride but I have invested my time. I don't get much TV time so I can only ride one or two trains a season. The train I was on announced it was running express past my destination so I exited the train and got on another. Luckily there are sites like the AVClub to let me know if the Mr.

I wanted S2 to be about the way the U.S. responds to economic collapse and the role technology plays it it's recovery (or lack of). This was not that… I'm not sure what it was but the show and I have amicably parted ways.

His brother, Picky Minch, is pretty cool. I got no beef with Picky.

I like Earthbound but on a replay I found the dullest stretch of the game to be between Fourside and Magicant. The plot slows down to emphasize xp grinding and some of the blander dungeons.

Where as I went in expecting a comedy game. The marketing I read made the game sound h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s! There's some comedy at the beginning but it quickly turns unsettling with a dull middle stretch, and a horror themed finale.

Final Fantasy Adventure II had an absent father as well but they found some fun ways to redeem and lampshade his behavior.

I went with QUICHE. My Ness was fancy.

As famous as any successful musical theater writer is. His upcoming Disney movie, Moanna, will give him a boost if it's good. His next musical won't live up to Hamilton's hype just as Moanna won't live up to Frozen's hype… but he's young and has the talent for a healthy career if he wants it.

I like Hamilton. I like Lin-Manuel Miranda. My reaction to this video was… meh. If people are undecided on Trump at this point I'm not sure what they're waiting for. He's been the same person, with the same background, making the same type of public remarks for quite some time now.

Executive: Boss I gotta great idea! We can take the hacking mini-games from all the video game franchises, put them into one ios free-to-play game, and make a mint!
Boss: There'll be micro-transactions right?
Executive: Of course. They can't expect to hack all those doors without paying.
Boss: Sold!

I'm looking forward to the romcom's inspired by 2016 think pieces about how Millennials have stopped dating and having sex because our lack of income and housing has made us too self-loathing to pursue mates.