
Any fans here of the 2010 Heathers musical? It's got some terrible "comedy" numbers (Dead Gay Son) but some terrific angsty power ballads for Veronica (Fight for Me, Dead Girl Walking). The plot points of the film are there but they alter a few details to make Veronica less aware of J.D's plans. This leads to a too

I liked the idea of splitting the Star Trek cast into pairs but very little came of it. The writers weren't willing to give the supporting cast arcs or character growth. Kirk's cynicism and Chekov's optimism could have provided some sparks but Chekov barely spoke.

There wasn't nearly enough gay in the summer movie line up. Sulu's 10 seconds of screen time with his partner is the only moment I can think of… I suppose Colin Farrell considering his level of bisexuality in The Lobster almost counts.

I just got back from Kubo and the Three Plot Holes. Gorgeous animation of course, but I have to ask the hive mind here some spoilery questions:

I've pulled back from superhero comics and films due to the repetitive nature of the plots. The last series I really enjoyed was Gotham Central. What are some folks favorite variations?

Final Fantasy Dimensions on ios is worth a look. It feels like a re-imagining of FF5. It has a similar plot and the glorious job system.

The evil empire has already shut this down.
Commerce defeats art for now.

I enjoyed the conversations in the Trespasser DLC more than the actual dungeons but that's true for Bioware games in general.

Picked up Artifact Adventure on Steam. It's an homage to 8-bit RPGS. The game tips a hat to modern RPG's by having NPC subquests with moral choices. Quite charming.

I'm told Dragon Quest 7 isn't the best entry point. I'd say 5 is the friendliest "retro-style" RPG and 8 is the friendliest "modern-style" RPG. I'd played the early Final Fantasy games beforehand and found the transition fairly smooth.

There's just not that much to do once you collect the five or six Pokemon types on your commute and eat your fill of Pidgey and Rattata "candies."

The review makes it sound a bit like Stephen King's Apt Pupil.

This is a recurring problem for me with ensemble dramas. I'm inevitably drawn to one or two characters and tune out when the writer's focus goes to others. I know it's not the writer's fault. It's a personal thing. But I tend to stop watching around the time my favorite subplot goes on the back burner.

I love the new song, "Lean Green Mother," but it doesn't really fit the tragic ending. It's designed to replace "Don't Feed the Plants" and should not be performed back to back with it. I'd love a DVD release with both endings. LGM for the "happy" cut and DFTP for the "sad" cut.

I think we've found the next episode of "Sassy Gay Friend." It practically writes itself.

I'm curious what the remake will keep of the score.
The 1991 film had 5 songs, plus a 6th that was cut, then restored. ("Human Again").
The 1994 Broadway production added 6 songs of mixed quality. I find the worst to be "No Matter What" for Belle's father and "The Maison Des Lunes" for the Asylum Owner.
In 1998 Belle

Disney retconed this a little in the sequel, Belle's Magical Christmas. The prince and his servants looked the same 10 years ago as they look at the end of the main film, suggesting the rose froze them in time. The spoiled prince was a haughty 20-something bishonen. He was also being lusted over by Tim Curry's piano

I'm a Laika fan but I agree with the storytelling quibbles. The novel Coraline gives the protagonist a short "here's what I've learned" monologue. It's a bit on the nose but an interesting idea. The film builds to that moment, cuts the monologue, and doesn't replace it with any real character growth.

No worries! I figured since the sample spoiler would be visible I'd pick an obscure one that only musical theatre fans or classic movie buffs might now.

Disqus just added it! You put it on both sides of the sentence with a slash facing it. Do this, minus the spaces. < spoiler / > Rosalind Russell's husband was the Producer < / spoiler >