
He is a bit of a … tease. But I found him more interesting in the romance arc than in his friendship arc. However I saw some clips online of rival arcs. The Inquisitor and Solas can be quite bitchy to each other if they hate each other from the start. The Tresspasser DLC has a wonderful moment if they stay rivals.

And one that always bugged me: Evil Emporer's assistant betrays them then uses cosmic power to become a god. Seen in Final Fantasy 6, 7 (sort of), 9, FFAdventure and Secret of Mana. I was surprised when Final Fantasy 2 actually kept the Emporer in charge till the end. Some of the "surprise villains" are great, but I

I agree that the Reapers became less interesting the more I learned about them. The "Leviathan" DLC does a lot of damage here.

Hale nails the drama but Meer does some lovely work with the comedy.

A perfect example of a character I wish had returned for DAI.

There's a little more to the combat. The problem is that most of the options are… optional on the standard difficulties. I didn't feel the need to learn most of the mechanics till the endgame. The DLC amps up the challenge a bit.

Having romances with Solas, Iron Bull and Dorian revealed new sides them them. Iron Bull grew more thoughtful as he revealed his warm heart. Dorian actually became less pleasant as his insecurities made him snappy and passive aggressive.

I found Plague Knight had harder levels and easier bosses. I never got used to his burst jumps but the bosses died fiery deaths.

And/or "stop the Evil Empire."

Steiner has one of the biggest character arcs. Some of the later party members are just along for the ride. I wanted to spend much more time with Freya.

Thanks feuilly! I'll try to be vague.

I read the script for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child and have lots of opinions. Now I have to wait for more people to read it so I can discuss the work without spoiling it.

It ranks right up there with the CD-i Zelda games.

Thank you. I'd forgotten that completely.

I still remember the awkward silence when I asked my family "why is he upset that she's playing paddy cake?"

Four words: Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

*** spoilers ***
Sherlock sleeps with a woman in episode 3.3 but it's later implied he did so just to get information from her. His show of interest in her drops soon after.

I saw this with friends while I was still in the closet. The scene where the bullies strip and fondle Powder was… awkward.

The story is that the company didn't know how to properly compress the score for the Gameboy speakers. I've heard some decent fan remixes.

I never did beat the final boss of MM7, even with the password that takes you right to him. I simply couldn't dodge his homing attacks. The designers made sure he took enough hits that you couldn't get by with energy tanks alone.