I've been nervous to try Pokemon Go due to the warnings of security issues. How are people logging in? Do you just create a dummy e-mail account to hook it to?
I've been nervous to try Pokemon Go due to the warnings of security issues. How are people logging in? Do you just create a dummy e-mail account to hook it to?
The energy thing was the deal breaker for me. Metroid II is rough but at least there are healing stations.
I own most of the NES classics on the 3DS virtual console and wish Nintendo would get around to releasing some more obscure gems.
I grabbed several Metroidvania's at the recent Steam Sale.
Yesterday I completed Dust: An Elysian Tail. On the plus side the game has interesting level design, lots of secret treasures and gorgeous hand drawn art. On the mixed side you quickly become overpowered on normal difficulty, the voice acting can grate, and…
I was under the impression that the TV Spock didn't have a sexuality and that giving him a relationship with Uhura was a fundamental character change.
Disney's CGI animators need to develop some unique female faces. The Rapunzel = Elsa = Anna = Elena trend is disappointing.
Agreed. S1 big death made Elliot's angst seem behind the point, yet the show seemed to ignore it afterwards. If S2 stays on the "every nice person dies" route it will veer too much into Game of Thrones territory for me.
My gay husband in Skyrim never really supported my career path. He didn't even acknowledge the fact that I'd killed the Elder Dragon. One lousy line of dialogue is all it would have taken Bethesda. It could have saved our marriage.
Like the best comedy, this list is both hilarious and deeply depressing.
My votes for
Scariest episode: The Boogieman Cometh
Sweetest episode: The one where the ghost is trying to get a message to his daughter but can't remember what it is till he sees her…. (spoiler: It's "I love you.")
Episode that resonated the most with me personally till the ending ruined it: Janine, You've Changed (aka…
The show always had a nice mix of body horror and homoeroticism. Were-chicken Egon kept losing his clothes and he was much fitter than his screen counterpart.
I'm three hours in to Firewatch. It's a short game but it makes my PC fans wheeze so I'm playing in brief sessions. The story and atmosphere are dandy but the protagonist is dumb as the rocks he's climbing. I'm trying to keep my cards close to my chest but the cagiest conversation prompts can't stop Henry from word…
Adam: Sorry if I got a little rough with you… lady.
Whovian: Shut the f*&^ up you condescending piece of (*^^$&%$^%$^#%$#
The first Mega Man. I haven't been able to beat the Yellow Devil without the Select/Pause trick.
The AV Club
struggle with daddy issues
Okay I brute forced my way through a good chunk of the game this weekend. Playing a stage for the third or fourth time allows me to anticipate all the one hit kills. For all the hype the combo dash system has gotten I still haven't learned to take advantage of it. The platforming is stop and start so the power ups…
And their arch-nemesis the Iodizer!
Comet: What happens in my human form stays with my human form… Except when I'm a Centaur. That sh*t just gets weird.
I finished The Last Specter this evening. The sappy ending made me think about the game I wanted this to be.
The initial chapters suggested that Luke would turn on his corrupt father, grow to trust Layton, and gradually unlock his own sleuthing power's to expose his father's crimes. That's a character arc I…
Better lip syncing than the Ninja Turtles rock band.