
I'm nearing the end of Professor Layton and the Last Specter and I'm a bit disappointed with the shifts in the plot.
veiled spoiler
The Layton games I've tried seem to take a hard turn from detective to superhero narrative in the final third. I prefer the former. At one point there was a lengthy cutscene of a villain

Fair enough. MM2's canon puzzle boss probably fits that category as well.

I've beaten most of the Mega Man games and found Mighty No. 9's stages obnoxious but do-able. The deal breakers were the one-hit-kill boss attacks. One boss killed me multiple times as I tried sliding under, jumping over, and running away from his attack. Some Youtube videos showed me that the secret is to stand in a

Zombies wearing loin cloths.

David Yates announces he will not objectify Tarzan.
"A loin cloth doesn't make sense."
David Yates loses half of Tarzan's fan base for his terrible looking movie.

The Broadway Bares shows are pitched to gay audiences and the dancers take off more than the Magic Mike crew did. Magic Mike XXL thought what women want is to talk about their feelings while being dry humped by men who won't take off their jeans.

I never like his characters as much as he does. Particularly when they are played by obnoxious child actors.

As a 10 year old Dick Tracy freaked me out. I didn't understand how a film that inspired happy meal toys and action figures could be so gross and violent.

Ugh. Boo to that. Looking up Mars Attacks I see there were roles for Glenn Close, Sarah Jessica Parker, Christina Applegate, Annette Bening, Pam Grier, Natalie Portman, Lisa Marie Smith and Sylvia Sidney. Some were more substantial than others but it's still a better showing.

Luke Hemsworth's definitely the Peggy Schuyler of the trio.

Wait… there were women in the first movie? What did the screenplay let them do? I barely remember the men.

Watching the show 9 years after airing I'm a bit disappointed that Chuck didn't figure it out on her own. The clues were all in front of her. I was hoping that the detective work she did this episode was a sign that the writers were going to let her get smarter.

Oh dear. Now I've rented Mighty No. 9 and am facing the same problem. I'm a fan of Megaman. I've finished 6 NES games, 5 Gameboy games and 3 of the SNES titles. Your standard Megaman spikes and pits are to be expected, however this game is full of one hit kill explosions that have to be memorized in advance.

Short version: Britain divorced Europe.
Longer version: After WWII 28 European states made an agreement to share borders so that folks could live, work and trade anywhere between them. Britain leaving cuts them off from these things.
Supporters have hoped it would reduce immigration, outside regulations and

I remember Zellweger's comedy and an ugly scene with the villains that soured me on the film. Thinking back I can't remember much about Law, Kidman or the remaining cast at all.

I've reached Chapter 6 of Professor Layton and the Last Specter. The writing is funnier than the previous game and I'm gradually learning the sideways logic of the puzzle designs. I think I've solved the overarching plot mystery before I was supposed to but there's plenty of time for it to surprise me.
Half the NPC's

The new Donkey Kong Country games are gorgeous but I can't make any headway in them. I remember beating the first two games on SNES but the new ones feature too many chase levels where you have to memorize the layout to anticipate all the one hit kills.

If you've been playing a Paragon Shepard it's hard to buy how much hatred and resistance you get at the start of ME3. Once you gather a few party members it starts to slip into a more familiar groove.

Spoiler. The shark becomes a doctor.

Link Between Worlds is great fun but the shopping system can be exploited, reducing the challenge. The big plot twist is foreshadowed early and the game can be completed fairly quickly. It's been two years since my playthrough and I'm guessing the puzzles will seem new to me if I revisit it this summer.