
I noticed a serious drop-off in quality starting with the halfway mark of Season 4, thought the first few episodes of Season 5 were a lot better, and then quit before the end of Season 5. I've never felt the need to go back and watch the rest. It got really bad.

I should probably watch it.

The one thing I really want out of this new Arcade Fire album is some Régine songs.

I love the Silmarillion dearly but please don't read that until after you've read The Lord of the Rings and know for sure that you want to commit to it.

I opened up YouTube today and the top two recommended videos for me were Carly Rae Jepsen and Carly Rae Patterson and sometimes I really wonder if I've lapsed into self-parody.

Following Sheen's dismissal from the series in March 2011, the character was killed off in the ninth season, having supposedly been struck by a train while on vacation in Paris. Charlie's spirit, portrayed by Kathy Bates, returns as a hallucination to Alan, revealing that he is living in Hell as a ghost trapped in a

RIP Janine image macros

I'm only sort of joking when I suggest that over the years my life has become increasingly oneiric.

You know, right as the events I'm about to tell you about happened, I thought that it would be great fun to share this with my good friends here, but I kept putting it off and then I went out of town for a week and now here I am, telling you about stuff that happened 2½ weeks ago. Anyway!

I don't really have a problem with this, thinking about it some more. The MVP award is a regular-season award and it's hard to say that LeBron was one of the most valuable players in the regular season this year, given how many games he took off mentally.

In honor of the Celtics keeping the Cavaliers within 50 points, I'll point out that when you run Brad Stevens through FaceApp, the result looks startlingly like Alison Brie: https://twitter.com/trillba…

Eurovision songs ranked by how much I liked them:


Honestly, I love Home Park. People say it's scary and unsafe, which I don't think is accurate, but it's funny to me how dark it gets at night and how not all the roads are paved and it delights me that there's a place like that right in the middle of the city.

Nathan Deal was talking about how criminals are lurking just beyond the boundaries of schools waiting to prey on students they know will be unarmed, which is such obvious bullshit that I can't imagine anyone actually believing it.

That is indeed a page for us.

(the you-know-what is sex)