
I haven't seen Rick and Morty but I need a browser plugin that hides any paragraph with the phrase "Szechuan sauce".

I'm spending a lot of time at home and not really using that time to watch stuff. Give me some comedic movies from the past decade that would appeal to my humor sensitivities.

Sometimes I think about what seven-years-ago me would think about the way things are today. On the one hand, the government of this country is run by literal Nazis. On the other hand, today I had an unprompted discussion with my friend about what Community characters we were, and I don't think I had ever even

on the subject of Arcade Fire, here is a picture of Arcade Fire drawn in 2013 by a valued member of this community

Upon further review, that song (We Don't Deserve Love) is good, but it doesn't belong in that spot. The song that should have been there is the song immediately preceding it, Put Your Money on Me, which sounds like ABBA and is the Arcade Fire song I didn't know I wanted.

Man, who could forget 200X? At Maryland near the stadium there's a "graveyard" with gravestones for every top ten opponent that Maryland has defeated. I feel very strongly that two of them shouldn't count because a) they're from 2007, which in itself makes them meaningless, and b) they're for wins over Rutgers and

Listening to the new Arcade Fire album. The second-to-last song on each album so far as been the best, and I see the second-to-last song on this album comes in at a whopping 6:18, so it had better be a banger.

Sort of like how Curaçao produces an absurd amount of baseball talent, I guess.

You know, an interesting phenomenon that's gone largely unremarked upon in the media (perhaps because it's hard to document) is that Facebook has become cool again among the 18- to 22-year-old demographic. Specifically, I remember noticing around December that all my friends were interacting with content from the UC

One of the weirdest moments of my life was when I was talking to a classmate about Community and I linked my review of "Football, Feminism and You" and her response was "oh, I've read this".

I didn't have any group of close friends in high school. At school I was friends with a lot of people, and I played sports and whatnot so I would interact with some people in class and some people at practice, but pretty much all my time that I didn't spend at school I spent by myself. I guess nobody represents that

Sopiardeman! I'm glad this five-year-old meme is still alive.

It's fantastic.

Hey, Narrator, you said 20th Century Women was good, and so I decided to watch it without knowing anything about it (I've been doing this on occasion with movies lately, the results are fun) and I'm only halfway in but this movie is good as hell, thanks for suggesting it.

I saw Baby Driver also, and I had no idea coming in that it was set in Atlanta, so that was very exciting. Honestly the first half-hour of the movie could have been outright bad and I don't think I would have noticed because I was so caught up in the thrill of recognizing all the places.

I'm happy to see this review. Picnic at Hanging Rock is one of my very favorite films and I'm interested in anything that evokes it.

I was talking to my dad a couple nights ago about potential Warriors offseason acquisitions and it took a full five minutes before he suggested they bring back David Lee, every dad's favorite player.

Why don't we as a community chat anymore?

My brother continually finds ways to disappoint me. I found out tonight that his favorite band is Imagine Dragons.