
Last night I was with some friends and put on college football (as is my wont on Saturdays, this being America), only for them to tell me, no, put on gymnastics, which I gladly did. We then spent an hour doing that until they told me to put football back on because there was a possibility that girls might come over

Hello! You should come here more often even though I'm hardly around.

I'd like to go sometime. That's another thing to put on my list for when I finally do go to Australia.

One thing I found odd reading about the film afterward was how many people cared so much about trying to find a resolution to the mystery. To me that seemed entirely beside the point. Perhaps I should watch L'Avventura.

The cinematography was gorgeous. My friend commented that every shot looked like a painting, and he wasn't wrong.

I watched Picnic at Hanging Rock. It was beautiful and disturbing and I want to talk about it.



As far as I know "advanced" just means proof-based; right now I'm doing stuff with upper and lower bounds of sets and such. The text is Advanced Calculus by Fitzpatrick, if that helps.

Well, Janine isn't my name any more than DISQUS_Spider is, but I rarely use that account anyway and I don't even post here that much. I'm flattered you care enough to say anything!

The class is Introduction to Mathematical Proof, but we just got started on the Advanced Calculus textbook. I like it a lot more than every calculus class I've taken before.

I finished my math homework!

Thanks, friends. All of you are in my heart, even Dave.

This is why the Good Lord gave us YouTube.

He wasn't at this particular event.

Simone Biles. Nobody else really matters.

I assume everyone else is following the gymnastics world championships with as much attention as I am.

Well, most of the men in the room had beards, presumably in recognition of Thomas Mulcair.

The correct answer is "Total Eclipse of the Heart". Come on.

I went to a Canadian election party last night. It was more fun than the results of the election.