
It was so good pre-redesign!

why are you watching the 49ers

I can inquire about this at some point, although I can't guarantee it'll be anytime soon.

Conversation my roommates had a few weeks ago?

This is my answer.

I watched that show with my English roommate once. I understood none of the dialogue.

Yeah, he's a celebrity now or something.

Who is your favorite television character named Dave?

Who is your favorite television character named Dave?

lol I didn't even know the 49ers were playing today

I love CNN.

Over the summer at a quizbowl tournament in Chicago I did beat his team to a question on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad based on its role in the Civil War, an accomplishment he described as "swagged out" and "based".


That's Matt Jackson, and I know him personally, as it happens. Not super well, but well enough. He knows a lot more things than I do and he's probably going to be on the show for a while.

Well, I just sat down and did three hours of math homework without interruption, so it must have worked out.

Yeah, when I'm on amphetamines I feel more intelligent and more focused and more confident and just like a better person in all respects, and I also have the nice benefit of not having to sleep or consume food. It'd be a real easy thing to get hooked on, which is why ever since I came to college I've been using it

Sometimes in class I think "wow, math is really interesting, I'm super into all of this," and I wonder why I never thought that way before. Then I remember that I took Adderall that morning and it makes sense.

"Make Them Gold" reminds me of nothing more than Pat Benatar.

Yeah, as the kids say these days, I fuck heavy with Warm Blood.

yeah I'm into it