
Have fun in the SEC, A&M.

Purity Ring is very much up my alley.

I got the reference!

Whether it's because of Chevy Chase or because of the writers or whatever it is, Pierce becomes increasingly poorly-written over the course of the show, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have plenty of great episodes. He has a clear purpose in the study group, regardless of whether that purpose is always realized.

She's good, but whenever I see her I can't stop thinking about how large her eyes are. It doesn't make any sense.

Honestly, I don't think baseball loses anything at all on the radio.

Wonderful! Thanks.

You wouldn't happen to still have the post you did on girl groups, would you?

I don't think anyone hates Cleveland.

Oh, yes, that's the sort of thing I meant by other means.

Is Broad City on the Internet anywhere or am I going to have to use other means to watch it?

They've played exceptionally poorly, though, at least compared to other teams that have made it to the finals. They haven't won a game by more than a goal yet, and for the most part they've played very mediocre competition.

When was the last time a team as bad as this Argentina team made it to the final? Germany in 2002 comes to mind, but they were at least good at something. Argentina just seems to have backed into this game.

I'm glad you're here.

To be honest, this kind of situation never entered into my thinking.


I love gfycat URLs so much.

rip soccer

But it's a totally realistic depiction of government, in that actual real-life politicians literally kill people all the time.

I'm just uncovering new frontiers in self-promotion.