
From now on I'm going to start liking my own posts.

Let's just think. We hate normal. Normal is death. But we didn't hate last night, so it must not have been normal. Paul, I think we just found a new level or sexuality. It's a whole new fetish called normaling.

My money's on Halep.

I've been to the Barnes and Noble in the Mall of America. It's just a Barnes and Noble.

I like random Jon Bois in there.


SB Nation is the same way!

This is Yahoo Serious.

22 Jump Street verdict:

Bing, bong, sing along
Your team's Al Gore because your views are wrong

Relevant to the post from a few days ago about feeling old:

Take on Me

You know what's cool? Synthpop.

What was the computer scene like in '80s Romania?

You certainly would.

I think it's a label with a lot of value; the concept wouldn't come up so often and in so many places if it didn't speak to something real in our culture. It's worth noting to males in their 20s that people like this don't actually exist and that women are separate people with their own agency, since the media does an

Not really science/biology, but have you read The Cartoon History of the Universe? It's one of my favorite things and you should definitely read it if you have not. I have it in dead tree form but I assume it's also available as an ebook.

I said domestic, not domesticated. Farm animals and such are cool with me.

That is horrifying.