
I wasn't expecting it to be a straight dog/cat battle. I voted for camels because camels are awesome and domestic animals frighten and confuse me.

I think it's really incumbent on me to become more acquainted with Hinduism and Hindu scripture, because it's the underpinning of the culture that my ancestors all lived in. It doesn't matter that they haven't been Hindu for many generations; it's part of the country all the same, because Hinduism is the last and most

Some of you have seen this already, but I wrote a very short story one night last week. Here it is presented in convenient Pastebin form:

The "Fn" and "Ctrl" keys on my work laptop are reversed from where they are on my home laptop, and it's starting to really mess with me.

I voted for the Ramayana because I am an Indian proud of my nation's cultural heritage, but I've always been intrigued by the concept of Camões, although I've never read his work. Portuguese is a fun language; I spend a lot of my time mentally translating phrases I see into Portuguese. Jogo dos tronos sounds a lot

What do you think of Louisiana? Be as vague or as specific as you like.

Am I being a ridiculous fanboy, or would adding Kevin Love make the Warriors into a legitimate title contender?

I kind of fell out of watching it like four or five episodes in. The fact that I don't remember the exact number indicates that I should rewatch the whole thing.

I enjoy your posts, so the former.

I don't know offhand if either of them are based on any specific poster, but they're both clearly constructivist in their inspiration. Constructivism was very much en vogue in the Soviet Union in the early 1920s, so posters from that period tend to look like that.

Sorry, I don't speak Hyden.

Is this the most Grantland sentence ever?

My immediate answer is Party Down, not because I need any sort of closure but because I know that a third season of the show would have been just as good as the first two.

Who wants to talk about paintings?

Remember when the Internet was really into the Dutch hockey team? It feels like it was years ago.

Negrons in Paris

I finished Flight of the Conchords last night. Great show. My favorite character is Dave.

Most of the best powers that come to mind would be awfully conspicuous; what I'm looking for is something that would enhance my life without drawing too much attention. Having perfect recall on command would be a nice power; among other things, it would certainly make math a lot easier, and all of a sudden learning

I don't eat
I don't sleep
I do nothing but think of youuuuuuuuu

I have a gif for you