
No one to watch while we're kissing
No one to see while we spoon
Come take a trip in my airship
And we'll visit the man in the moon

International field hockey is bullshit because they switched several decades ago from grass to synthetic surfaces. India and Pakistan used to dominate the game before, but playing surfaces in South Asia are grass for reasons of cost and so now teams from rich countries have the advantage in international play.

The other day I found out that Liz is into Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, and I felt like I should let you know that because you're the only reason that I know that Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is a thing that exists.

So now Dave is the only one still left.

In my experience, just about everyone I've talked to has expressed a preference for the first two seasons.

73°F with 41% humidity here. The humidity's a little higher than I'd like probably, but it's nice weather for being outside.

It was consexual.

The Breakfast Club has a lot of things that annoy me, but what annoys me most is that it was seemingly edited at random. There's a beginning and an end, but there's no discernible order to any of the scenes that come in between. Community's pilot did a better job with the same material.

This is my favorite thing.

Well, yes, Stephen, of course you wouldn't mind linking to porn.

Maryland's in the same position after making the tournament for the first time in 43 years and it's kind of weirding out my family members how much I care. I've been watching college baseball all day.

Holy shit, Flight of the Conchords is such a good show. Why have I never seen it before?

Ship, always.

Melbourne and Port Adelaide

I think you're right, but a) it seems like work, and b) seeing the lack of avatar reminds me that I'm not really me when I'm posting. Hopefully now I'm back to using this account again, though.

Some of it! I didn't wind up getting to see the ending because I was unavoidably detained, but it was fun just like always.

Two packs a day!

Talk to me. Don't necessarily feel the need to ask me questions because I did that two weeks ago and haven't gotten to all of them yet, but engage me in conversation.

I think it would be for me if it weren't for the fact that Season 7 exists.

Your writing about The Shield is certainly my favorite thing about this site, if that means anything.