
"I will confidently say that you shouldn't drink the blood of someone with Ebola."

Ha Ha Clinton-Dix is the title of Monica Lewinsky's forthcoming memoir.

Perhaps midway through Season 2 Community did in fact enter the bluest timeline. That would explain a lot.

I woke up today feeling kind of weird, and it turns out I'm not the only one; my one friend who was suffering from flu-like symptoms earlier in the week must have gotten all the rest of us sick. Considering I've got a week left of school, the timing is not exactly ideal.

One of my roommates got a six-pack for his girlfriend on Valentine's Day because wine gives her a headache. They're very nice people, but there's a reason they self-identify as white trash.

Haha, go fuck yourself.

It should work now.

I'm glad I live a boring life because it means I have nothing to censor.

That series turned me off the NBA altogether for years.

I don't know that just adjusting for inflation is enough, though, since movies on the whole cost far more nowadays than they did 60 years ago. Do superhero movies now represent a greater investment than westerns did back then? I assume they do, but I'm not familiar enough with the history of the industry to know.


Last night I was telling my friend that Spring Breakers is actually a really good movie that I saw three times. She knows I generally have decent taste in things, and so the look on her face when I said that was hilarious. I'm glad Spring Breakers is something that exists, if only because it lets me do that.

I went to the Philadelphia Museum of Art yesterday. Duchamp's Étant donnés is certainly the most remarkable work of art I've ever seen, and it's designed in such a way that it can't be experienced without seeing it firsthand.

I can't wait to lose to Los Angeles in seven games twice. What could be more fun than that?

Hockey is some shit. Fuck Canada.

Romanian neuter is odd because it's not a third totally different thing, just masculine in the singular and feminine in the plural.

Because the NBA gave him Chris Paul.

Those are both great, albeit for different reasons. It'll be so sad when the Sharks lose in the conference finals again.

Between when I was young and when my brother was young, I've definitely seen The Land Before Time at least that many times. It holds up.