
That sort of thing is routine on Tobacco Road.

This was an interesting story, but it wasn't the story I was really looking for, which was the way the Big East collapsed. I wanted to know how the Big East went from the conference we saw at the beginning to bringing in Tulane. The breakup of the conference was something that the film dwelled on a great deal without

Speaking as a Maryland student, it's a real shame what's happened to the athletic program here. That said, Maryland athletics is really just the corporeal manifestation of a statewide inferiority complex—witness the Duke "rivalry"—and so I resent the ACC a great deal and won't be sad to leave. Really it died in 2004

cool cool cool

SPOILER ALERT: My projections for the last three rounds

She reminds me of a young Alison Brie, to be honest.

On the other hand, The Phantom has Roger Sterling ass.

Definitely watch at least the credits of the short that Danny Pudi directed, unless the thought of Danny Pudi in a '70s basketball uniform doesn't strike your fancy, in which case why are you even here?

The only proper measure of popularity would be using sales of the best-selling single off the album, I think.

I wish we still had downvotes so that I could downvote these lies.

The 12 Years a Slave sketch was probably my favorite of the season.

Your shirt is exactly the kind of shirt I would expect you to have.

Ah, that would be it.

The word "zgîrie" looks wrong to me.

The "n/a" is because I haven't seen any movies ever.

My feeling is that anything that isn't explicitly non-fiction counts as fictional. As an example, I can use Konarmiya by Isaak Babel, which I read last weekend. I'm sure that the stories are based substantially on what actually happened in the Polish-Soviet War, but because it's not demonstrably non-fictional it's

Criticism of what? The show? Many of us criticize the show often where we think it warranted.

Fun fact: This episode is actually two separate episodes that had to be joined together when the show only got a half-season.

Imagen poots still on TV?