
While we're complaining, what's truly unconscionable is that Tegan and Sara only made one ballot.

I think Slytherin is one of the parts of the books that works least. They're bad guys but not really but mostly they're just full of awful racists?

Auburn also barely beat Washington State.

Talk about college football.

Is that a thing?

Yeah, that's how I feel about it. It's certainly entertaining in itself, but the premise is so fundamentally problematic that I have a lot of trouble with it.

Classic Poe

Best: Spring Breakers
Best performance: James Franco, Spring Breakers
The AV Club was wrong about: Spring Breakers


Generally I've heard that story with regard to college application essays. It's almost certainly apocryphal.

I don't know everything, but I'm pretty sure my favorite show of 2013 was Bunheads.

TBS used to show Braves games, although I have no idea what they're doing now; for my money, though, NBA on TNT is the best sports program on TV.

Now that we commenters have lost the ability to give shows ironic A's ourselves, Sonia has picked up the slack.

On my AP Physics C: Mechanics test, for one of the three free-response questions (together worth half of the test grade), one of my classmates wrote YOLO on the test paper and nothing else. He got a 5. The curve for that test is absurd.

Hi Todd! If you're reading this, please grade something an S. Do it for us.

I want to go to there

Sorry, that's a misstatement. CBS got a 57.3/82 in Birmingham.

Fun fact: Last night, CBS got an 82 in Birmingham, Alabama.

Remember when NuDisqus came and people were saying that things would totally be fixed later? It turned out that was exactly what happened except the opposite.

I expect all imgur links to be pictures of my face.