
1. Telephones. I have a very hard time calling people unless they've specifically told me to call them.
2. I got dysentery in Bangladesh.
3. "And she's Jewish?"
4. I'd rather not. I get kind of anxious in situations like that.
5. Around the Horn is an awful, awful program, and I used to watch it every day.
6. Chocolate and

My cousin took online PE in Virginia. When we heard about that, my parents and I agreed that it was total bullshit.

Pretty much all Midwestern food is horrifying.

Unchained Melody is also a great name.

Automatic_Bruised 4 lyfe

Didn't you just skip straight to like Season 6?

All this talk on squashing beefs on Always Sunny made me hungry for squash and beef. You get some nice beef and chop up a calabash and serve it with rice and you've got yourself a fine meal. I could really go for some of that right now. I haven't had that kind of food much since I came back to school at the end of

The two paragraphs on The Mindy Project at the end are just tossed in there and seem totally unrelated. It's odd.

Do you like rock and roll music?

To be fair, most of Florida isn't actually the South.

Josh Hutcherson was in Detention, wasn't he?

I started with The Suburbs, then went to Funeral and Neon Bible. Starting with Funeral is probably preferable, but I'm not sure that it matters except that you probably shouldn't start with Neon Bible (even though it's my favorite).


Don't late the haters get you down with their downvotes. Be like Jay and DON'T CARE.

For Our Consideration: Glee is just like Laverne and Shirley

Where are they going to have space for the actual cast?

It's a really shitty system, and the only thing it's better than is what came before.

Well, when we read Wall Street Journal op-eds, we get what we pay for, don't we?

Yeah, that sounds like literally the opposite of what Arcade Fire was trying to do with this album, and I'm baffled that anyone could think that it was. It's like saying that 30 Rock was a bad show because it wasn't gritty and realistic.

To be fair, almost every new show is awful, so it's hardly alone in being hatewatched.