Ron Stanford

>Is "Wow" supposed to mean something?>

>BvS is a poorly made movie.>

> It is near universally panned.>

>It is under-performing well below expectations.>

>Poorly made movies being analogous to unhealthy children>

> Yes, which places the films as children ….>

>>>More like the DC franchise is a special needs child and critics are acting like weary doctors regarding its future.>>>

>More like the DC franchise is a special needs child and critics are acting like weary doctors regarding its future.>

>Given how often Superman is trumped up as a cultural icon with 80 years of history and cultural momentum, that a Deadpool movie was able to supplant Superman should be considered notable.>

>It's low critical rating followed by the abysmal reception of BvS seems to indicate a trend in Zack Snyder. He is burning through goodwill and it is the novelty of the Justice League that is keeping the burgeoning film series afloat. The DCEU will be lucky reach six films.>

>Man of Steel was outgrossed by Deadpool, a film that was also far better critically received>

>So you prove that you're not an idiot by voting for Trump and watching Darkman v Soopermensch?>

>HFBC is the biggest church in the world.>


Really? Referring to them as the "Democrat Party" instead of the "Democratic Party"? What are we in preschool?>

>Go ahead, laugh in my face. I NEED something to punch.>

>>Rev. Wright may have been what?>>

>I don't know where "sane" Ted Cruz attends church but I do know that he said he wished the senate had 100 senators like Jesse Helms. This is a man who supported apartheid, and ran his 1972 campaign as an opponent of integration, interracial marriage and civil rights laws>

>What I meant is that Obama is not outside the liberal mainstream on most issues and certainly not on most racial issues.

>I don't know where "sane" Ted Cruz….>