Ron Stanford

Please, prove me wrong. Link examples of Liberals accusing Progressive Blacks of being racist, and do so right here —————->

Except Liberals. They do it ALLLLLLLLLLL the time.

Because opening Friday is "God Is Not Dead 2" and "Meet The Blacks."

>I didn't like it when I saw it!>

Perhaps it's only half the equation, but such a success is the half that keeps a movie from being a catastrophic failure.

>You are arguing my diction rather than my argument.>

>For a film that should be like the next coming of Jesus, I believe it is.>

>The rottentomatoes score for the film is below 30% now. That's a catastrophically bad reception.>

>The novelty of Batman fighting Superman was always gonna be initially successful, but you're in denial about the future prospects of the film.>

Why don't you buy a dictionary and learn what words mean?

>>So, a quarter of the critics liked it. That's not "universally panned.">>

>Yes. A fucking catastrophe! >

>No one is reading this except you and me. >

>You're admitting to what I accused you of. You can't confront my argument, >

>The '66 Batman movie is a classic,>

You claimed that it was a "catastrophic disaster." I pointed out that it broke the record for Easter openings. You claimed that was near "Universally Panned." I pointed out that a sizable minority like it.

So, a quarter of the critics liked it. That's not "universally panned."

>BvS has a record breaking drop in sales for a superhero film between Friday and Sunday.>

"I'll "backpedal" all I want, skippy. Because I'm not backpedaling;"

>You're dissecting my analogy rather than confront my argument, while posturing yourself as morally outraged.>