
You can tell thousands of people to ignore a large group of provocateurs using the same method you're using to reply to my message: the internet. If we can organize thousands of people to attend an event we can surely organize thousands to NOT attend an event.

So what do you suggest?

Right. So how about we all become vigilantes and start punching people in the face who hold opposing viewpoints to our own? Who draws that line? You because you're equating these white supremacist bigots as actual Nazis?

Yes, you're right. World War 2 and the actual Nazi regime are completely equivalent to the white supremacist "movement" in the US.

I think the best way to attack them is to completely, utterly ignore them. Zero media spotlight. Zero protestors / zero attendance to their rallies.

I lost all respect for the SPLC when they decided to label Maajid Nawaz an "anti-Muslim extremist".

Michael shooting Sollozzo and McCluskey begs to differ.

Harmy's Despecialized Editions of the classic trilogy are a must. All of the "special edition" nonsense has been removed and the films have been painstakingly restored using the best possible masters.

Nice use of quotation marks and breathtaking strawman you've constructed there.

Who knows? Perhaps there are certain advantages the different sexes may have in specific fields based on the way their brain circuitry executes.

Neuroscience studies indicate that male and female brains do function differently.


Thanks for the Darwin history lesson though it was entirely unnecessary.

Darwin provided mounds of observational evidence to support his scientific theory. You have provided nothing of the sort. But it's totally awesome how you have now lumped yourself in with Darwin not once… but twice! Shall we go for thrice?

"Provide me evidence to the contrary". You're a broken record and an egotist. You need to provide evidence to support your hypothesis - it's not up to your audience to do the work for you. Perhaps one day you will understand - but I'm not holding my breath as idealogues cannot be reasoned with.

mine is the de facto established definition

I have challenged your definition of the claim - I asked you to provide an actual authority to verify your definition to which I am still waiting for a credible link.

The record certainly shows that you provided evidence to support your claim, however, you have repeatedly failed to find any source (credible or otherwise) that supports your definition of "rape culture".

I'm not the one claiming that "rape culture" is a thing. If it is a thing you need to provide evidence that it is a thing - you have done nothing of the sort. Instead, you are trying to shift the burden of proof - a classic fallacy as I'm sure you are aware.

Can you provide a source for the definition of rape culture you've listed? I've never seen that metric definition before and I'm having a hard time finding anything that backs that claim up.