
Poe's Law in effect.

So what is a "true feminist" then? What are the metrics by which a "true feminist" can be measured against? Can anyone pass the ideological purity test the author has conveniently left out of her diatribe? I wonder…

It seems pretty clear that Daenarys is Azor Ahai reborn.

"White people have failed their fellow humans for centuries".

I do enjoy the implication that anyone who is an atheist must be "edgy". As if it's edgy to disbelieve in something there is *literally* zero supporting evidence that would prove the existence of a supernatural being (or beings… why not beings?).

It should be noted that he's Jewish and was around when, you know, Nazis were trying to exterminate Jewish people off the face of the planet.

Well, the God part isn't really true — then or now. The rest though? Spot on, Stan.

The current climate in many college and university campuses would seem to indicate that your assertion that this neo-Nazi trash is more "pervasive and energized" than postmodernist/neo-Marxist trash is not necessarily true.

If they are breaking the first ammendment - which I actually do think they are - they should face the full penalty of the law. If they are committing violent acts - which the murderous driver did - they should face the full penalty of the law.

The "alt" (or "ctrl"-left as Maajid Nawaz coined) are described as being authoritarian in nature (something usually equated to the far right).

One of his first interviews was with Dr. Jordan B. Peterson — who is assuredly NOT an alt-right figure but has been tarred and feathered as such by over-zealous, leftist media. I highly recommend watching that video as it's pretty informative.

That's a perspective I hadn't given enough thought to. Well said.

No, I didn't. Have you seen Hillary Clinton's recent approval ratings? They're somehow lower than even Trump's.

The Nazi party rose out of the ashes of a completely demoralized, impoverished, defeated nation who were desperately looking for something to pull them out of the cesspit the Treat of Versailles left Germany in.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" - Evelyn Beatrice Hall

My grandfathers both survived World War II but would never talk about their experiences; the pain of their memories were too great and visceral even up until the day they eventually both passed away. I'm sorry to hear your grandparents were killed by actual Nazis in Nazi-occupied France and Italy. Many thousands of

You're probably right — and my "ignore them and they'll go away" is likely idealistic and impossible to enact.

You're actually right. I mentioned in (and revised my opinion in doing so) one of my responses below the oft cited "sunlight is the best disinfectant" — it's probably a good thing, perhaps even a necessary thing, to shed light on these alt-right retards.

Just because I say I'm something or try to emulate something doesn't make me something. They're a bunch of knuckle-dragging white supremacist, inbred assholes with absolutely ZERO political power and very little, if any, ability to do much more than march on occasion and chant racist shit.

Well, that sounded ominous.