
And how the hell is that imaginative?

Thanks! I'll check out the Select first and see if I can't find the special reserve you're likely referring to in the meantime. Cheers!

It would appear that my local liquor store carries the Yellowstone Select for $100 (Canadian dollars… so about $73/74 USD). Doesn't seem too crazy expensive — unless there's a more limited bottle you're talking about?

I was trying to be facetious. It appears I have failed miserably.

But isn't gender a social construct…?!

While I was taken to the original Star Wars upon its release in '77 I have no recollection of it (I wasn't quite 2 at the time).

Not yet… *ominous*

Looking through our conversation I don't see anything close to me accusing you of persuading "millions of people to vote for Trump". Nice straw man though.

Mike Patton has pretty impressive range.

Some opinions are decidedly not worth dismissing even though they may be "absurd". Some opinions are worth debating because maybe, just maybe you might be able to shift that "absurd" opinion ever so slightly - or even completely - towards rationality.

Well played, sir. Well played! LOL

I'm not entirely looking forward to an animatronic Pence…

"Can go fuck themselves". Got it.

Well that devolved rather quickly.

Doesn't fit into your echo chamber. Got it.

You sincerely believe your analogy applies here?

Is that the goal here? To find easy ways to dismiss alternate opinions?

Agreed. It is completely subjective. As is the notion of "warmth".

A sculpture of limitations eh?

We agree that there is a difference between digital and vinyl recordings that can be (but not always) objectively perceived.