
You can certainly argue that vinyl and digital recordings may sound "different" but warmth is entirely subjective. How does one quantify "warmth" exactly?

I stand corrected: the only thing that annoys me more than vinyl purists are people who complain about people who complain about vinyl purists. They usually add little to the argument beyond, "yeah, so my vinyl purist friends insist they are right… so uhh… they must be because: reasons."

Excellent point.

Spicy comment, Emperor!

I think you make some fair points and I don't disagree with you in terms of intent. Did Colbert intend to make a joke that could be construed as homophobic - I think the clear answer is a resounding "no". However, I do recognize that there are those who found it offensive as it does have connotations that aren't

Let's tackle this from a different angle: what was Colbert trying to imply with the cock-sucking joke? Please elaborate.

I'm not complaining about Colbert (straw man). As I stated, I think he is an LGBT advocate who made a joke that has been derided as being homophobic. I fail to see why we can't recognize that, yeah, upon examination it does have homophobic overtones - which isn't cool.

Your argument here is littered with straw men. (unintentional though they may be)

Well, that's certainly embarrassing. I thought he had reflected after the show. My bad!

"The host says he’d revise that last bit, because cock sucking can be an expression of love, after all." I think that's an admission.

I do agree with you to a large degree with respect to opportunistic right wingers. Having said that, I don't believe everyone who has shown "outrage" or misgivings about Colbert's joke is as duplicitous as you seem to be asserting. Certainly there are those on the left who were offended.

You had no point and you have brought absolutely nothing to the table here.

I never said that it "MUST be homophobic". Nice straw man. I suggested that some - or a "large" (which may or may not be accurate/exaggerated) contingent feel that it WAS homophobic.

The far left eats its own because that's all it knows how to do. Every thing is deconstructed and abstracted to a degree where every single thing can be found offensive to a particular group (or groups).

Great way to jump into a conversation with absolutely nothing of value to contribute to it.

Colbert himself has said he would "tweak" the joke. Why? Because he recognizes that the joke crossed the "outrage line" as you so eloquently put it.

You must be fun at parties.

You accuse me of making "baseless claims" as if I owe you a specific number to justify my usage of the word "large". I do not. This isn't some sort of formal debate format we're having here where I'm under the microscope to provide you with peer reviewed evidence. It's a comment section on the AV Club.

I'll get right on to compiling those numbers for you. Because, you're right, there's probably only like, a "couple dozen" people in the LGBT community who are upset.

A large contingent of the LGBT community seems to think it was pretty offensive and that it was homophobic. Full stop.