
As I recall, the reason why Avatar's 3D was spectacular was because Cameron and his team developed a 3D camera that they filmed the movie in its entirety with.

Wait… are you saying I'm stuck in tenth grade because I love it?!

Out of curiosity, why can't you sit through Reservoir Dogs anymore? I just put that on a couple weeks back and enjoyed it thoroughly once again.

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Reservoir Dogs
3. Kill Bill Vol 1
4. Inglourious Basterds
5. Django Unchained
6. Kill Bill Vol 2
7. Jackie Brown
8. The Hateful Eight
9. Death Proof

In a word, yes.

Jesus. Did Varner really need to lose his job for something he clearly, absolutely regrets saying? He will be haunted by his "outing" comment until the day he dies — that seems like punishment enough.

Thankfully Harmy's Despecialized Editions are a thing. They will have to suffice in the intervening decades while the rights are worked out and the inevitable 128K 4D editions are released.

Are you trying to say Trump is a Sith Lord?

We haven't even listened to the soundtrack yet! How do we know it won't have a Landó inspired score?!

As I mentioned in another comment I will agree that the "super" heroes - who were decidedly NOT "super" in the comic - are Captain America/peak physical human level in their depiction. A clear miss.

How difficult are the themes behind Watchmen to understand? I keep hearing this tired meme but I only see vapid arguments supporting it. Did Snyder hit all of the notes that Moore embedded within the comic version? Of course not. The comic series itself is a meta commentary on comics themselves — not exactly something

Yes, you're absolutely right. I don't understand "tone" or "point". And neither does Snyder, apparently.

This meme that Snyder somehow didn't "understand" the graphic novel never ceases to amuse me. My favorite criticism was that he was too "slavish" to the source material but also somehow managed to not "get it". Mmm-hrmmm…

Your ridiculous assertion deserves less, actually. "Misogynist dystopia", Jesus Christ, get a grip. Lol..

You do realize that abortion isn't about "powerful men" trying to take away women's rights, right? It's about powerful religious people trying to take away reproductive rights from women because they believe abortion is murder.

Yeah mannn… we're like totally living in a patriarchy!!!

David Miscavige has the power, no?

Irony? I'm just guessing here though.

That was absolutely fantastic. *wipes eyes*

A grade of C is more of a bogey, isn't it?