
Can we all move on now? I'd like to get ready for the next Spicer gaffe without this one getting in the way.

And on that note: if you could fuck yourself you wouldn't have any need for anyone else, amirite?!

"Meteoric rise". Ugh. Can we stop using this phrase?

This actor person doesn't share my same pretentious set of opinions on film — let's get 'im!!!

And yet Hughes movies do move me…

Atheists are not making a positive claim about a deity (or deities) who one needs to submit themselves to in order to save them from eternal damnation. They are rejecting the notion as obnoxious, irrational, and unwanted.

It's a pretty reasonable example of a case of mental instability.

The atheist message is this: there is no evidence of any God or gods.

This entire site is filled with smug nerd writers and a smug nerd commentariat.

I love the double-standard we have in society: if someone proudly proclaims themselves an atheist and is outspoken about their (non)belief they are labelled "obnoxious". Meanwhile, we have religious types everywhere proselytizing about Jesus. God (tee hee!) forbid.

What's the limit?

Psst.. people yell, weep, laugh, and dance in America and the UK as well. Or maybe I I missed the robot manifesto..!?

Roosevelt is absolutely fantastic and has been on repeat in my car for the past week or so.

If she looks like a foot I think I have spontaneously developed a foot fetish.

Conversely, I find the characters on Fear to be much more compelling and likable than anyone on the main show. Go figure.

Roosevelt - Roosevelt
Steven Pinker - How the Mind Works
Colleagues - Tears EP
Apoptygma Berzerk - Exit Popularity Contest

Well, now we all know. So… errr… thanks Donald Trump?!

Well, this calculated snark has really backfired now, hasn't it?

I don't know, call me crazy, but I think it's kind of refreshing to see a right wing talking head actually change their minds on abortion.

Didn't Gareth Edwards talk about this months ago?! I could have sworn I read an article on this site where he said as much.