
My usual litmus test for these types of things: if we have to think long and hard about something potentially, possibly-maybe being racist… it's probably not racist and/or it's not worth the mental gymnastics to worry about in the first place.

Can Trump and Merkel just go away please?!

Nope! Though I think that assessment is hilarious coming from the person littering this discussion space with triggered commentary. Did you get just get dumped by a dude? My condolences.

And so are you, apparently.

I haven't demanded anything. I merely asked you to elaborate on what "white people nonsense" meant. I asked you to elaborate on it but you refused to explain in any detail what that phrase entails beyond a vague notion that white people have a particular brand of "nonsense" that is unique to their skin pigmentation.

I'm going to try this one last time: what exactly is "white people nonsense"?

I do have to ask. Enlighten me please.

Err… what exactly is "white people nonsense"?

I've never thought of The Lost Boys as "self-serious" — as a matter of fact, it goes out of the way to inject a lot of humor into the story and feels akin to the Buffyverse in many respects.

(Disclaimer: I'm an unabashed OBC lover, so I must always brandish my sword dramatically and come to its defense… even if it's not really warranted!)

Obscured by Clouds is easily their most underrated album. You can hear some hints of Dark Side on that record — e.g. "Childhood's End".

This is the new way of (attempting to) shut down people whose opinions don't align with your own: call them a Nazi.

Ha! I knew it — you're in Sea Org! Say hi to Mr. Miscavige for me.

Maybe in terms of calling out Scientology for its bizarre belief system and loopy figureheads — but maybe not so much for how deep and dark the cult goes to absolutely, insidiously control its members.

How is it a "brand"? Is she selling "I hate Scientology" t-shirts? Selling "shock"? How exactly? By revealing the truth about the organization? Hypebole much?

Your lack of reasonable response means you have zero credibility. Thanks for coming out.

I never said this specific case had anything to do with Scientology. I completely agree that Masterson either commited sexual assault or he didn't — hopefully justice will be served and if he's found guilty he serves time and all of those who actively suppressed this information are held accountable, Scientologists or

I'm saying you're inaccurate. White people are accused and found guilty of sex crimes all of the goddamn time. The white privilege narrative you're peddling here is utter horseshit.

"for being white". Yes, because white people get away with sexual harassment.

Leah Remini should be praised for shining a spotlight on Scientology and its insanely f*cked up underbelly. What's with your "hate-boner" for her?