
Because it doesn't come natural to him?

I still think Achtung Baby! is a phenomenal record but I rarely listen to it because I did overplay the hell out of it back in high school.

Well, there you go then. The question then remains: was The Edge consciously or unconsciously lifting from "Falling Down"?

That solo is easily The Edge's best work. Forgettable? Pfft… your comment is forgettable, son.

See, I wanted to hate on you because you dissed U2's "The Fly" - which is unimpeachably excellent (even if it is a ripoff.. spoiler: it's not!) - but then you go and praise Kraftwerk. I am compelled to love you in spite of your flaws.

Mehh… there's some similarities but who wrote which first? Both songs were recorded in 90 and released in 91 — hard to know which came first.

Well, that's not encouraging at all. :-(

I'm digging Depeche Mode's new track but I'm hoping the band offers a few uptempo numbers on their next album. As a huge fanboy of the band, I was incredibly disappointed by their last two efforts, Sounds of the Universe and Delta Machine (the latter of which was pretty dire) — both of which were stripped (pun

Yeah, it sort of makes the impeachment moot if their appointed lackey becomes next in line.

Maybe. Pence may double down on the theocratic ante though…

I was actually going to mention that — he's a 19 year old farmboy who has little perspective of the world - or rather, the galaxy - that surrounds him.

Mike Pence would become the next President if Trump was impeached. I'm not entirely sure that this would actually be a better situation…

Say what you want about his acting in A New Hope but I think he was pretty great in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Oscar worthy? Mehh… I don't care about film awards — but he was damn solid and made me care about his character in the sequels.

Unfortunately, this is precisely the same mentality that the right seems to have after Trump's victory. They seem incapable of having conversations with those on the left.

Would the "pedophilia" clips have been released had Milo not been booked on Maher? It's a bit conspicuous that suddenly, after being booked on the highest profile show he'd ever been on, the videos (which are over a year old) with him supposedly advocating pedophilia surfaced.

The problem with your reasoning is that when you refer to "people" you are implying that anyone who voted Trump into power is not "living in reality". Trump himself may or may not be clinically insane but that's another topic altogether.

You call people whose platform you disagree with as those who "don't believe in reality". They are - in effect - enemies of reason. They are enemies of your point of view. It's pretty ominous when you sincerely believe that your opponents have lost touch with reality. It's pretty ominous when people (not you

Hilarious. The typical escape hatch method to avoid actually having to engage your opponent. Claim your audience doesn't have the capacity to "understand" you based on some arbitrary point (I didn't comprehend the context of your quotation marks… f*ck off… lol) and then move on.

I'm saying you - and many who are on the far left - are justifying violence by not condemning those who are using it an attempt to silence right wing idealogues ("the enemy" as you ominously put it).

Are you new here at The AV Club? No one here is "fun".