
Religion deserves vitriol.

Keep telling yourself that as you move towards justifying violence against those people whom you disagree with.

Translation: I really f*cking hate Bill Maher so I think I'll be intellectually lazy and compare him to white supremacists without any evidence what-so-ever and rebuff anyone who challenges my claims with ad hominem.

Which of Maher's views, exactly, are in line with "average white supremacists"? Be specific.

If Scahill believed he could make short work of Milo he should have had the courage to stand up to him on national television. Instead, he's given Milo even more press by refusing to challenge him with his intellect.

While snot is running down your nose and your greasy fingers are smearing shabby clothes, no?

I'd invoke Poe's Law here but since Nathan Poe is a white male I guess it doesn't apply.

Nahh… there's plenty worse.

Well, that's certainly a slippery slope. There's a lot of Piers Morgans out there…

Call it a case of Poe's Law. I'm pretty liberal myself but recently it's been pretty uncomfortable sitting on the same side of the fence as radical leftists who are routinely justifying violence. As a result, I may be a bit overly-sensitive (yep, I'm a snowflake!).

Yes. This is exactly what we should be doing to people we disagree with: stabbing them repeatedly in public.

The entire ensemble is actually pretty great. Having said that, Felix has been gradually marginalized in terms of story over the past couple of seasons. Or at least, it's felt that way (especially in Season 4).

I actually didn't like her in the role at all and I'm not really a fan of her look. *shrugs*

So we really, really need someone to get those They Live glasses into production.

I'll say it again: World War Z should be a TV show that follows the events of the book to the letter. That would be goddamn epic.

X-Men, Thor, Doctor Strange - not exactly "funny" comics, even in the Silver Age.

I remember watching the special features on the TPM DVD years ago and they showed a bunch of auditions for Anakin. One particular kid knocked it out of the park — read the lines well, was able to convey emotion, and didn't look awkward at all in his delivery. That boy was decidedly NOT Jake Lloyd.

Why not?!

Why are you still replying? Shouldn't you be outside punching people in the face?

There's a big fucking difference between these Neo-Nazis and the goddamn Nazi party of the 30s-40s. Get some bloody perspective. Typical hysterical overreaction. Jesus.