
It is until hate speech turns into hate action.

Well, I'm glad the law doesn't find it "morally okay" to punch people in the face whose opinions, however vile they may be, we disagree with.

My problem with this line of thinking is that it's a slippery slope. Where do you draw the line for punching people in the face whose opinions you disagree with? Who defines that line?

Cheers! I could talk about this stuff for days… *pushes BB-8 glasses further up bridge of nose* :-)

Hrmm… did uber-fanboys really get this wrong? This detail has been obvious to me since I was about 10 years old (a long, long time ago).

Is that what we want to do now? Not give anyone who we disagree with any possible chance to debate ideas because it gives our opponent more screen time?

Well, I guess that about wraps it up for Bill Burr's career.

I don't remember it being a big deal in terms of font color . The real controversy was with the original title Revenge of the Jedi to which there was plenty of promotional material released (I actually had some iron-ons and a small poster with the original title — courtesy of my Bantha Tracks membership… heh).

Anakin was the "Jedi" that returned, no? And then he subsequently died which made Luke… the "last" Jedi?

Return of the Jedi made use of the red font in some posters and promotional material.


I find this comment incredibly ironic. It's pedantic as f*ck to get upset when someone refers to the first film in the classic series as A New Hope.

Firstly, I'm not a millenial - I saw each of the classic trilogy films in the theatre when they were released as a child. I'm about as big a fan of the series as you're going to find in these parts.

Star Wars has been referred to as A New Hope since April 1981. That's been used as the name of the movie for the past 36ish years and it does make things a bit easier when differentiating various episodes of the saga.

I did let out a mighty guffaw. Thanks for that! ^_^

Not necessarily "happy" but duly entertained. :-)

Virtue signalling epic fail. Well done, sir.

Excuse TFA of what? Of not giving viewers enough to go on or tie directly back to the classic trilogy? Mehh…

Too bad they won't be able to ever explain the backstory in future movies, novels, TV shows…

They did not.